Zeitschriftenartikel (1335)

Davis, G. H.; Crofoot, M. C.; Farine, D. R.: Using optimal foraging theory to infer how groups make collective decisions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37 (11), S. 942 - 952 (2022)
Dehnen, T.; Arbon, J. J.; Farine, D. R.; Boogert, N. J.: How feedback and feed-forward mechanisms link determinants of social dominance. Biological Reviews 97 (3), S. 1210 - 1230 (2022)
Dehnen, T.; Papageorgiou, D.; Nyaguthii, B.; Cherono, W.; Penndorf, J.; Boogert, N. J.; Farine, D. R.: Costs dictate strategic investment in dominance interactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1845), 20200447 (2022)
Demartsev, V.; Manser, M. B.; Tattersall, G. J.: Vocalization-associated respiration patterns: thermography-based monitoring and detection of preparation for calling. The Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (5), jeb243474 (2022)
Dhanjal-Adams, K. L.; Willener, A. S. T.; Liechti, F.: pamlr: A toolbox for analysing animal behaviour using pressure, acceleration, temperature, magnetic or light data in R. Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (7), S. 1345 - 1360 (2022)
Duporge, I.; Finerty, G. E.; Ihwagi, F.; Lee, S.; Wathika, J.; Wu, Z.; Macdonald, D. W.; Wang, T.: A satellite perspective on the movement decisions of African elephants in relation to nomadic pastoralists. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 8 (6), S. 841 - 854 (2022)
Engelhardt, S. C.; Taborsky, M.: Food-exchanging Norway rats apply the direct reciprocity decision rule rather than copying by imitation. Animal Behaviour 194, S. 265 - 274 (2022)
Eppley, T. M.; Hoeks, S.; Chapman, C. A.; Ganzhorn, J. U.; Hall, K.; Owen, M. A.; Adams, D. B.; Allgas, N.; Amato, K. R.; Andriamahaihavana, M. et al.; Aristizabal, J. F.; Baden, A. L.; Balestri, M.; Barnett, A. A.; Bicca-Marques, J. C.; Bowler, M.; Boyle, S. A.; Brown, M.; Caillaud, D.; Calegaro-Marques, C.; Campbell, C. J.; Campera, M.; Campos, F. A.; Cardoso, T. S.; Carretero-Pinzon, X.; Champion, J.; Chaves, O. M.; Chen-Kraus, C.; Colquhoun, I. C.; Dean, B.; Dubrueil, C.; Ellis, K. M.; Erhart, E. M.; Evans, K. J. E.; Fedigan, L. M.; Felton, A. M.; Ferreira, R. G.; Fichtel, C.; Fonseca, M. L.; Fontes, I. P.; Fortes, V. B.; Fumian, I.; Gibson, D.; Guzzo, G. B.; Hartwell, K. S.; Heymann, E. W.; Hilario, R. R.; Holmes, S. M.; Irwin, M. T.; Johnson, S. E.; Kappeler, P. M.; Kelley, E. A.; King, T.; Knogge, C.; Koch, F.; Kowalewski, M. M.; Lange, L. R.; Lauterbur, M. E.; Louis, E. E.; Lutz, M. C.; Martinez, J.; Melin, A. D.; de Melo, F. R.; Mihaminekena, T. H.; Mogilewsky, M. S.; Moreira, L. S.; Moura, L. A.; Muhle, C. B.; Nagy-Reis, M. B.; Norconk, M. A.; Notman, H.; O'Mara, M. T.; Ostner, J.; Patel, E. R.; Pavelka, M. S. M.; Pinacho-Guendulain, B.; Porter, L. M.; Pozo-Montuy, G.; Raboy, B. E.; Rahalinarivo, V.; Raharinoro, N. A.; Rakotomalala, Z.; Ramos-Fernandez, G.; Rasamisoa, D. C.; Ratsimbazafy, J.; Ravaloharimanitra, M.; Razafindramanana, J.; Razanaparany, T. P.; Righini, N.; Robson, N. M.; Goncalves, J. D.; Sanamo, J.; Santacruz, N.; Sato, H.; Sauther, M. L.; Scarry, C. J.; Serio-Silva, J. C.; Shanee, S.; Lins, P.; Smith, A. C.; Aguilar, S. E. S.; Souza-Alves, J. P.; Stavis, V. K.; Steffens, K. J. E.; Stone, A. I.; Strier, K. B.; Suarez, S. A.; Talebi, M.; Tecot, S. R.; Tujague, M. P.; Valenta, K.; Van Belle, S.; Vasey, N.; Wallace, R. B.; Welch, G.; Wright, P. C.; Donati, G.; Santini, L.: Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (42), e2121105119 (2022)
Farine, D. R.: Collective behaviour: Jackdaws vote to leave with their voice. Current Biology 32 (10), S. R467 - R469 (2022)
Farine, D. R.: Collective action in birds. Current Biology 32 (20), S. R1140 - R1144 (2022)
Flack, A.; Aikens, E. O.; Kölzsch, A.; Nourani, E.; Snell, K. R. S.; Fiedler, W.; Linek, N.; Bauer, H.-G.; Thorup, K.; Partecke, J. et al.; Wikelski, M.; Williams, H. J.: New frontiers in bird migration research. Current Biology 32 (20), S. R1187 - R1199 (2022)
Fleming, C. H.; Deznabi, I.; Alavi, S. E.; Crofoot, M. C.; Hirsch, B.; Medici, E. P.; Noonan, M. J.; Kays, R.; Fagan, W. F.; Sheldon, D. et al.; Calabrese, J. M.: Population-level inference for home-range areas. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13 (5), S. 1027 - 1041 (2022)
Frias-Soler, R. C. A.; Kelsey, N.; Pildain, L. V.; Wink, M.; Bairlein, F.: Transcriptome signature changes in the liver of a migratory passerine. Genomics 114 (2), 110283 (2022)
Froehlich, M.; van Schaik, C. P.; van Noordwijk, M. A.; Knief, U.: Individual variation and plasticity in the infant-directed communication of orang-utan mothers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1975), 20220200 (2022)
Frogge, H.; Jones, R. A.; Angedakin, S.; Busobozi, R.; Kabagambe, P.; Angwela, F. O.; Gonzalez, N. T.; Brown, M.: Constraints on population growth of blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Behaviour 159 (10), S. 961 - 987 (2022)
Frohlich, M.; van Schaik, C. P.: Social tolerance and interactional opportunities as drivers of gestural redoings in orang-utans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1859), 20210106 (2022)
Fröhlich, M.; van Schaik, C. P.: Social tolerance and interactional opportunities as drivers of gestural redoings in orang-utans. Philosophical Transactions B 377 (1859), 20210106 (2022)
Gaisbauer, F.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Giese, H.: Local majority-with-inertia rule can explain global consensus dynamics in a network coordination game. Social Networks 70, S. 218 - 227 (2022)
Gall, G. E. C.; Pereira, T. D.; Jordan, A.; Meroz, Y.: Fast estimation of plant growth dynamics using deep neural networks. Plant Methods 18 (1), 21 (2022)
Galtbalt, B.; Batbayar, N.; Sukhbaatar, T.; Vorneweg, B.; Heine, G.; Müller, U.; Wikelski, M.; Klaassen, M.: Differences in on-ground and aloft conditions explain seasonally different migration paths in Demoiselle crane. BMC Movement Ecology 10 (1), 4 (2022)
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