Zeitschriftenartikel (1335)

Dufour, P.; Sayol, F.; Cooke, R.; Blackburn, T. M.; Gallien, L.; Griesser, M.; Steinbauer, M. J.; Faurby, S.: The importance of migratory drop-off for island colonization in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 291, 20232926 (2024)
El Hady, A.; Takahashi, D.; Sun, R. L.; Akinwale, O.; Boyd-Meredith, T.; Zhang, Y. S.; Charles, A. S.; Brody, C. D.: Chronic brain functional ultrasound imaging in freely moving rodents performing cognitive tasks. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 403, 110033 (2024)
Elsy, A. D.; Pfeifer, M.; Jones, I. L.; Dewalt, S. J.; Lopez, O. R.; Dent, D. H.: Incomplete recovery of tree community composition and rare species after 120 years of tropical forest succession in Panama. Biotropica 56 (1), S. 36 - 49 (2024)
Eppley, T. M.; Reuter, K. E.; Sefczek, T. M.; Tinsman, J.; Santini, L.; Hoeks, S.; Andriantsaralaza, S.; Shanee, S.; Di Fiore, A.; Setchell, J. M. et al.; Strier, K. B.; Abanyam, P. A.; Abd Mutalib, A. H.; Abwe, E.; Ahmed, T.; Ancrenaz, M.; Andriantsimanarilafy, R. R.; Ang, A.; Aureli, F.; Barrett, L.; Beehner, J. C.; Benítez, M. E.; Bezerra, B. M.; Bicca-Marques, J. C.; Bikaba, D.; Bitariho, R.; Boesch, C.; Bolt, L.; Boonratana, R.; Butynski, T. M.; Canale, G. R.; Carvalho, S.; Chapman, C. A.; Chetry, D.; Cheyne, S.; Cords, M.; Cornejo, F. M.; Cortés-Ortiz, L.; Coudrat, C. N. Z.; Crofoot, M. C.; Cronin, D. T.; Dadjo, A.; Dakpogan, S. C.; Danquah, E.; Davenport, T. R. B.; de Jong, Y. A.; de la Torre, S.; Dempsey, A.; Dimalibot, J. C.; Dolch, R.; Donati, G.; Estrada, A.; Farassi, R. A.; Fashing, P. J.; Fernandez-Duque, E.; da Silva, M. J. F.; Fischer, J.; Flores-Negrón, C. F.; Fruth, B.; Neba, T. F.; Gamalo, L. E.; Ganzhorn, J. U.; Garber, P. A.; Gnanaolivu, S. D.; Gonder, M. K.; Bi, S. E. G.; Goossens, B.; Gordo, M.; Guayasamin, J. M.; Guzmán-Caro, D. C.; Halloran, A. R.; Hartel, J. A.; Heymann, E. W.; Hill, R. A.; Hockings, K. J.; Hohmann, G.; Hon, N.; Houngbédji, M. G.; Huffman, M. A.; Ikemeh, R. A.; Imong, I.; Irwin, M. T.; Izar, P.; Jerusalinsky, L.; Kalema-Zikusoka, G.; Kaplin, B. A.; Kappeler, P. M.; Kivai, S. M.; Knott, C. D.; Kolasartsanee, I.; Koops, K.; Kowalewski, M. M.; Kujirakwinja, D.; Kumar, A.; Le, Q. K.; Lewis, R. J.; Lin, A. K.; Link, A.; Loría, L. I.; Lormie, M. M.; Louis, E. E.; Lwin, N.; Maisels, F.; Malaivijitnond, S.; Marisa, L.; McCabe, G. M.; McGraw, W. S.; Mekonnen, A.; Méndez-Carvajal, P. G.; Minhós, T.; Montgomery, D. M.; Morelos-Juárez, C.; Morgan, B. J.; Morgan, D.; Etingue, A. M.; Ndiaye, P. I.; Nekaris, K. A. I.; Nguyen, N.; Nijman, V.; Nishuli, R.; Norconk, M. A.; Oklander, L. I.; Oktaviani, R.; Ostner, J.; Otali, E.; Perry, S. E.; Ramos, E. J. P.; Porter, L. M.; Pruetz, J. D.; Pusey, A. E.; Queiroz, H. L.; Ramírez, M. A.; Randriatahina, G. H.; Rasoanaivo, H.; Ratsimbazafy, J.; Ratsirarson, J.; Razafindramanana, J.; Razafindratsima, O. H.; Reynolds, V.; Rizaldi, R.; Robbins, M. M.; Rodríguez, M. E.; Rosales-Meda, M.; Sanz, C.; Sarkar, D.; Savage, A.; Schreier, A. L.; Schülke, O.; Segniagbeto, G. H.; Serio-Silva, J. C.; Setiawan, A.; Seyjagat, J.; Silva, F. E.; Sinclair, E.; Smith, R. L.; Spaan, D.; Stewart, F. A.; Strum, S. C.; Surbeck, M.; Svensson, M. S.; Talebi, M.; Tédonzong, L. R.; Urbani, B.; Valsecchi, J.; Vasey, N.; Vogel, E. R.; Wallace, R. B.; Wallis, J.; Waters, S.; Wittig, R. M.; Wrangham, R. W.; Wright, P. C.; Mittermeier, R. A.: Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment. Conservation Letters, e13007 (2024)
Farine, D. R.: Modelling animal social networks: New solutions and future directions. Journal of Animal Ecology 93 (3), S. 250 - 253 (2024)
Finerty, G. E.; Borrego, N.; Alibhai, S. K.; Jewell, Z. C.; Tschanz, P.; Balone, T.; Gabaikanye, T.; Gana, M.; Monnaanoka, S.; Mamou, M. et al.; Pudidaroma, S.; Tshiama, M.; Tshiama, M.; Araldi, A.; Crofoot, M. C.; Henley, S.; Ithuteng, P.; Schiess-Meier, .: The crossroads of tradition and modern technology: Integrative approaches to studying carnivores in low density ecosystems. Frontiers in Conservation Science (2024)
Fisel, F.; Heine, G.; Rohde, C.; Wikelski, M.; Flack, A.: Influence of age on spatial and temporal migratory patterns of Black Storks from Germany. Journal of Ornithology (2024)
Fox-Rosales, L. A.; Monteza-Moreno, C. M.; Barrett, B. J.; Goldsborough, Z.; Jansen, P. A.; McLean, K.; Crofoot, M. C.: Niche expansion of capuchin monkeys to forest floor on guild-reduced islands increases interspecific spatio-temporal overlap. Biotropica (2024)
Friston, K. J.; Parr, T.; Heins, R. C.; Constant, A.; Friedman, D.; Isomura, T.; Fields, C.; Verbelen, T.; Ramstead, M.; Clippinger, J. et al.; Frith, C. D.: Federated inference and belief sharing. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 156, 105500 (2024)
Fröhlich, M.; van Noordwijk, M. A.; Setia, T. M.; van Schaik, C. P.; Knief, U.: Wild and captive immature orangutans differ in their non-vocal communication with others, but not with their mothers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78 (1), 12 (2024)
Goldsborough, Z.; Crofoot, M. C.; Barrett, B. J.: Male-biased stone tool use by wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator). American Journal of Primatology 86 (4), e23594 (2024)
Gorbonos, D.; Gov, N. S.; Couzin, I. D.: Geometrical structure of bifurcations during spatial decision-making. PRX Life 2 (1), 013008 (2024)
Gorbonos, D.; Oberhauser, F. B.; Costello, L. L.; Günzel, Y.; Couzin-Fuchs, E.; Koger, B.; Couzin, I. D.: An effective hydrodynamic description of marching locusts. Physical Biology 21 (2), 026004 (2024)
Gradwohl, N.; Neth, H.; Giese, H.; Gaissmaier, W.: Explicit discrimination and ingroup favoritism, but no implicit biases in hypothetical triage decisions during COVID-19. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1213 (2024)
Heins, R. C.; Millidge, B.; Da Costa, L.; Mann, R. P.; Friston, K. J.; Couzin, I. D.: Collective behavior from surprise minimization. PNAS 121 (17), e2320239121 (2024)
Itahara, A.; Kano, F.: Gaze tracking of large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) in a motion capture system. The Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (6), jeb246514 (2024)
Jacobson, O. T.; Barrett, B. J.; Perry, S. E.; Finerty, G. E.; Tiedeman, K.; Crofoot, M. C.: A new approach to geostatistical synthesis of historical records reveals capuchin spatial responses to climate and demographic change. Ecology Letters 27 (5), e14443 (2024)
Jacobson, O. T.; Crofoot, M. C.; Perry, S.; Hench, K.; Barrett, B. J.; Finerty, G. E.: The importance of representative sampling for home range estimation in field primatology. International Journal of Primatology 45, S. 213 - 245 (2024)
Jonasson, K. A.; Adams, A. M.; Brokaw, A. F.; Whitby, M. D.; O'Mara, M. T.; Frick, W. F.: A multisensory approach to understanding bat responses to wind energy developments. Mammal Review (2024)
Jungwirth, A.; Horsfield, A.; Nührenberg, P.; Fischer, S.: Estimating Cognitive Ability in the Wild: Validation of a Detour Test Paradigm Using a Cichlid Fish (Neolamprologus pulcher). Fishes 9 (2), 50 (2024)
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