Zeitschriftenartikel (1335)

Gorbonos, D.; Puckett, J. G.; van der Vaart, K.; Sinhuber, M.; Ouellette, N. T.; Gov, N. S.: Pair formation in insect swarms driven by adaptive long-range interactions. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (171), 0367 (2020)
Hugo, H.; Hermes, M. G.; Garcete-Barrett, B. R.; Couzin, I. D.: First evidence of wasp brood development inside active nests of a termite with the description of a previously unknown potter wasp species. Ecology and Evolution 10 (23), S. 12663 - 12674 (2020)
Li, L.; Chen, C.; Li, A.: Autonomy promotes the evolution of cooperation in prisoner's dilemma. Physical Review E 102, 042402 (2020)
Brown, M.: An observation of intergroup infanticide in grey-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena). Behaviour 157, S. 1091 - 1098 (2020)
Girard-Buttoz, C.; Surbeck, M.; Samuni, L.; Boesch, C.; Fruth, B.; Crockford, C.; Hohmann, G.; Wittig, R. M.: Variable use of polyadic grooming and its effect on access to social partners in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Animal Behavior 168, S. 211 - 224 (2020)
Zannoni, N.; Wikelski, M.; Gagliardo, A.; Raza, A.; Kramer, S.; Seghetti, C.; Wang, N. J.; Edtbauer, A.; Williams, J.: Identifying volatile organic compounds used for olfactory navigation by homing pigeons. Scientific Reports 10, 15879 (2020)
Oegelund Nielsen, R.; da Silva, R.; Juergens, J.; Staerk, J.; Lindholm Sørensen, L.; Jackson, J.; Smeele, S. Q.; Conde, D. A.: Standardized data to support conservation prioritization for sharks and batoids (Elasmobranchii). Data in Brief 33, 106337 (2020)
Fandos, G.; Rotics, S.; Sapir, N.; Fiedler, W.; Kaatz, M.; Wikelski, M.; Nathan, R.; Zurell, D.: Seasonal niche tracking of climate emerges at the population level in a migratory bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287, 20201799 (2020)
Oberhauser, F. B.; Wendt, S.; Czaczkes, T. J.: Trail pheromone does not modulate subjective reward evaluation in Lasius niger ants. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (2515), 555576 (2020)
Jolles, J. W.; Weimar, N.; Landgraf, T.; Romanczuk, P.; Krause, J.; Bierbach, D.: Group-level patterns emerge from individual speed as revealed by an extremely social robotic fish. Biology Letters 16, 20200436 (2020)
Kalan, A. K.; Kulik, L.; Arandjelovic, M.; Boesch, C.; Haas, F.; Dieguez, P.; Barratt, C. D.; Abwe, E. E.; Agbor, A.; Angedakin, S. et al.; Aubert, F.; Ayimisin, A. E.; Bailey, E.; Bessone, M.; Brazzola, G.; Buh, V. E.; Chancellor, R.; Cohen, H.; Coupland, C.; Curran, B.; Danquah, E.; Deschner, T.; Dowd, D.; Eno-Nku, M.; Fay, M. J.; Goedmakers, A.; Granjon, A.-C.; Head, J.; Hedwig, D.; Hermans, V.; Jeffery, K. J.; Jones, S.; Junker, J.; Kadam, P.; Kambi, M.; Kienast, I.; Kujirakwinja, D.; Langergraber, K. E.; Lapuente, J.; Larson, B.; Lee, K.; Leinert, V.; Llana, M.; Marrocoli, S.; Meier, A.; Morgan, B.; Morgan, D.; Neil, E.; Nicholl, S.; Normand, E.; Ormsby, L. J.; Pacheco, L.; Piel, A.; Preece, J.; Robbins, M. M.; Rundus, A.; Sanz, C.; Sommer, V.; Stewart, F.; Tagg, N.; Tennie, C.; Vergnes, V.; Welsh, A.; Wessling, E. G.; Willie, J.; Wittig, R. M.; Yuh, Y. G.; Zuberbühler, K.; Kühl, H. S.: Environmental variability supports chimpanzee behavioural diversity. Nature Communications 11 (1), 4451 (2020)
Aikens, E. O.; Mysterud, A.; Merkle, J. A.; Cagnacci, F.; Rivrud, I. M.; Hebblewhite, M.; Hurley, M. A.; Peters, W.; Bergen, S.; De Groeve, J. et al.; Dwinnell, S. P. H.; Gehr, B.; Heurich, M.; Hewison, A. J. M.; Jarnemo, A.; Kjellander, P.; Kroschel, M.; Licoppe, A.; Linnell, J. D. C.; Merrill, E. H.; Middleton, A. D.; Morellet, N.; Neuteid, L.; Ortega, A. C.; Parker, K. L.; Pedrotti, L.; Proffitt, K. M.; Said, S.; Sawyer, H.; Scurlock, B. M.; Signer, J.; Stent, P.; Sustr, P.; Szkorupa, T.; Monteith, K. L.; Kauffiman, M. J.: Wave-like patterns of plant phenology determine ungulate movement tactics. Current Biology 30 (17), S. 3444 - 3449 (2020)
Mbizah, M. M.; Farine, D. R.; Valeix, M.; Hunt, J. E.; Macdonald, D. W.; Loveridge, A. J.: Effect of ecological factors on fine-scale patterns of social structure in African lions. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (11), S. 2665 - 2676 (2020)
Huang, Z. X.; Whelan, C. V.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Teeling, E. C.: Genetic variation between long-lived versus short-lived bats illuminates the molecular signatures of longevity. Aging 12 (16), S. 15962 - 15977 (2020)
Girard-Buttoz, C.; Surbeck, M.; Samuni, L.; Tkaczynski, P. J.; Boesch, C.; Fruth, B.; Wittig, R. M.; Hohmann, G.; Crockford, C.: Information transfer efficiency differs in wild chimpanzees and bonobos, but not social cognition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1929), 20200877 (2020)
Goumon, S.; Illmann, G.; Leszkowova, I.; Dostalova, A.; Cantor, M.: Dyadic affiliative preferences in a stable group of domestic pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 230, 105045 (2020)
Marcelino, R.; Sampaio, J.; Amichay, G.; Goncalves, B.; Couzin, I. D.; Nagy, M.: Collective movement analysis reveals coordination tactics of team players in football matches. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 138, 109831 (2020)
Penndorf, J.; Aplin, L. M.: Environmental and life history factors, but not age, influence social learning about food: a meta-analysis. Animal Behaviour 167, S. 161 - 176 (2020)
Oberhauser, F. B.; Koch, A.; De Agrò, M.; Rex, K.; Czaczkes, T. J.: Ants resort to heuristics when facing relational-learning tasks they cannot solve. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1932), 20201262 (2020)
Ferreira, A. C.; Covas, R.; Silva, L. R.; Esteves, S. C.; Duarte, I. F.; Fortuna, R.; Theron, F.; Doutrelant, C.; Farine, D. R.: How to make methodological decisions when inferring social networks. Ecology and Evolution 10 (17), S. 9132 - 9143 (2020)
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