Zeitschriftenartikel (1335)

Snell, K. R. S.; Jensen, R. B. E.; Ortvad, T. E.; Willemoes, M.; Thorup, K.: Multiple fragmented habitat-patch use in an urban breeding passerine, the Short-toed Treecreeper. PLoS One 15 (1), e0227731 (2020)
Schuppli, C.; van Noordwijk, M.; Atmoko, S. U.; van Schaik, C.: Early sociability fosters later exploratory tendency in wild immat ureorangutans. Science Advances 6 (2), eaaw2685 (2020)
Lucchesi, S.; Cheng, L.; Janmaat, K.; Mundry, R.; Pisor, A.; Surbeck, M.: Beyond the group: How food, mates, and group size influence intergroup encounters in wild bonobos (advance online). Behavioral Ecology (2020)
Lucchesi, S.; Cheng, L.; Janmaat, K.; Mundry, R.; Pisor, A.; Surbeck, M.: Beyond the group: how food, mates, and group size influence intergroup encounters in wild bonobos. Behavioral Ecology 31 (2), S. 519 - 532 (2020)
Perez, J. H.; Swanson, R. E.; Lau, H. J.; Cheah, J.; Bishop, V. R.; Snell, K. R. S.; Reid, A. M. A.; Meddle, S. L.; Wingfield, J. C.; Krause, J. S.: Tissue-specific expression of 11 beta-HSD and its effects on plasma corticosterone during the stress response. Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (1), jeb.209346 (2020)
Pokrovsky, I. G.; Ehrich, D.; Fufachev, I.; Ims, R. A.; Kulikova, O.; Sokolov, A.; Sokolova, N.; Sokolov, V.; Yoccoz, N. G.: Nest association between two predators as a behavioral response to the low density of rodents. Auk 137 (1), ukz060 (2020)
Borrego, N.: Socially tolerant lions (Panthera leo) solve a novel cooperative problem. Animal Cognition 23 (2), S. 327 - 336 (2020)
Chapman, C. A.; Bicca-Marques, J. C.; Dunham, A. E.; Fan, P. F.; Fashing, P. J.; Gogarten, J. F.; Guo, S. T.; Huffman, M. A.; Kalbitzer, U.; Li, B. G. et al.; Ma, C. Y.; Matsuda, I.; Omeja, P. A.; Sarkar, D.; Sengupta, R.; Serio-Silva, J. C.; Tsuji, Y.; Stenseth, N. C.: Primates can be a rallying symbol to promote tropical forest restoration. Folia primatologica 91 (6), S. 669 - 687 (2020)
Chapman, C. A.; Omeja, P. A.; Kalbitzer, U.; Fan, P. L.; Lawes, M. J.: Restoration provides hope for faunal recovery: Changes in primate abundance over 45 years in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Tropical Conservation Science 11 (1) (2020)
Crino, O. L.; Driscoll, S. C.; Brandl, H. B.; Buchanan, K. L.; Griffith, S. C.: Under the weather: Corticosterone levels in wild nestlings are associated with ambient temperature and wind. General and Comparative Endocrinology 285, 113247 (2020)
Dogandzic, T.; Barrett, B. J.; Monteza-Moreno, C. M.; Carlson, M.; Crofoot, M. C.: The archaeology of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) stone tool use. Folia Primatologica 91, S. 240 - 363 (2020)
Dyson, M. L.; Perez, D. M.; Curran, T.; McCullough, E. L.; Backwell, P. R. Y.: The role of claw color in species recognition and mate choice in a fiddler crab. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74, 116 (2020)
Dzielski, S. A.; Razavi, N. R.; Twining, C. W.; Cleckner, L. B.; Rohwer, V. G.: Reconstructing avian mercury concentrations through time using museum specimens from New York State. Ecotoxicology 29 (10), S. 1802 - 1814 (2020)
Fanelli, A.; Menardi, G.; Chiodo, M.; Giordano, O.; Ficetto, G.; Bessone, M.; Lasagna, A.; Carpignano, M.; Molinar, M. A.; Gugiatti, A.: Gastroenteric parasite of wild Galliformes in the Italian Alps: implication for conservation management. Parasitology 147 (7), S. 471 - 477 (2020)
Franke, A.; Falk, K.; Hawkshaw, K.; Ambrose, S.; Anderson, D. L.; Bente, P. J.; Booms, T.; Burnham, K. K.; Ekenstedt, J.; Fufachev, I. et al.; Ganusevich, S.; Johansen, K.; Johnson, J. A.; Kharitonov, S.; Koskimies, P.; Kulikova, O.; Lindberg, P.; Lindstr?m, B. O.; Mattox, W. G.; McIntyre, C. L.; Mechnikova, S.; Mossop, D.; Moller, S.; Nielsen, O. K.; Ollila, T.; Ostlyngen, A.; Pokrovsky, I.; Poole, K.; Restani, M.; Robinson, B. W.; Rosenfield, R.; Sokolov, A.; Sokolov, V.; Swem, T.; Vorkamp, K.: Status and trends of circumpolar peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations. Ambio 49, S. 762 - 783 (2020)
Gorbonos, D.; Sinhuber, M.; Puckett, J. G.; Ouellette, N. T.; Gov, N. S.: Similarities between insect swarms and globular clusters. Physical Review Research 2, 013271 (2020)
Haun, D.B.M.; Liebal, K.; Amici, F.; Bender, A.; Bohn, M.; Bräuer, J.; Buttelmann, D.; Burkart, J.; Cacchione, T.; Detroy, S. et al.; Faßbender, I.; Fichtel, C.; Fischer, J.; Gampe, A.; Gray, R. D.; Horn, L.; Oña, L.; Kärtner, J.; Kaminski, J.; Kanngießer, P.; Keller, H.; Köster, M.; Kopp, K.S.; Kornadt, H.-J.; Rakoczy, H.; Schuppli, C.; Stengelin, R.; Trommsdorff, G.; Van Leeuwen, E.; Van Schaik, C.: Ein Plädoyer für die Relevanz der Vergleichenden Psychologie für das Verständnis menschlicher Entwicklung. Psychologische Rundschau 71 (1), S. 40 - 41 (2020)
Holekamp, K. E.; Tracy, M. M.; Strauss, E. D.: Social competition and cooperation affect reproductive success of female spotted hyenas. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 60, S. E104 - E104 (2020)
Inagaki, K. Y.; Mendes, T. C.; Quimbayo, J. P.; Cantor, M.; Sazima, I.: The structure of fish follower-feeding associations at three oceanic islands in southwestern Atlantic. Environmental Biology of Fishes 103, S. 1 - 11 (2020)
Kelly, E. M.; Adkins-Regan, E.: Do nonapeptides regulate parental care depending on experience in zebra finches? Hormones and Behavior 117, 104306 (2020)
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