Zeitschriftenartikel (1408)

Feng, W.; Yonezawa, M.; Ye, J.; Jenuwein, T.; Grummt, I.: PHF8 activates transcription of rRNA genes through H3K4me3 binding and H3K9me1/2 demethylation. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 17, S. 445 - 450 (2010)
Mandel, E. M.; Grosschedl, R.: Transcription control of early B cell differentiation. Current Opinion in Immunology 22, S. 161 - 167 (2010)
Huang, J.; Dorsey, J.; Schikov, S.; Zhang, X.; Jenuwein, T.; Reinberg, D.; Berger, S.: G9a and Glp Methylate lysine 373 in the Tumor Suppressor p53. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 285, S. 9636 - 9641 (2010)
Reimann, M.; Lee, S.; Loddenkemper, C.; Dörr, J. R.; Tabor, V.; Aichele, P.; Stein, H.; Dörken, B.; Jenuwein, T.; Schmitt, C. A.: Tumor Stroma-Derived TGF-β Limits Myc-Driven Lymphoma-genesis via Suv39h1-Dependent Senescence. Cancer Cell 17, S. 262 - 272 (2010)
Infantino, S.; Benz, B.; Waldmann, T.; Jung, M.; Schneider, R.; Reth, M.: Arginine methylation of the B cell antigen receptor promotes differentiation. Journal of Experimental Medicine 207, S. 711 - 719 (2010)
Reth, M.; Dick, T.: Voltage control for B cell activation. Nature Immunology 11, S. 191 - 192 (2010)
Milinski, M.; Griffiths, S. W.; Reusch, T. B. H.; Boehm, T.: Costly major histocompatibility complex signals produced only by reproductively active males, but not females, must be validated by a "maleness signal" in three-spined sticklebacks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277, S. 391 - 398 (2010)
Pospisilik, J. A.; Schramek, D.; Schnidar, H.; Cronin, S. J. F.; Nehme, N. T.; Zhang, X.; Knauf, C.; Cani, P. D.; Aumayr, K.; Todoric, J. et al.; Bayer, M.; Haschemi, A.; Puvindran, V.; Tar, K.; Orthofer, M.; Neely, G. G.; Dietzl, G.; Manoukian, A.; Funovics, M.; Prager, G.; Wagner, O.; Ferrandon, D.; Aberger, F.; Hui, C.-c.; Esterbauer, H.; Penninger, J. M.: Drosophila Genome-wide Obesity Screen Reveals Hedgehog as a Determinant of Brown versus White Adipose Cell Fate. Cell 140, S. 148 - 160 (2010)
Aguiló, J. I.; Anel, A.; Catalán, E.; Sebastián, A.; Acín-Pérez, R.; Naval, J.; Wallich, R.; Simon, M. M.; Pardo, J.: Granzyme B of cytotoxic T cells induces extramitochondrial reactive oxygen species production via caspase-dependent NADPH oxidase activation. Immunology and Cell Biology 88, S. 545 - 554 (2010)
Arechaga, I.; Swamy, M.; Abia, D.; Schamel, W. A.; Valpuesta, J. M.: Structural characterization of the TCR complex by electron microscopy. International Immunology 22, S. 897 - 903 (2010)
Chen, L.; Li, Z.; Zwolinska, A. K.; Smith, M. A.; Cross, B.; Koomen, J.; Yuan, Z.-M.; Jenuwein, T.; Marine, J.-C.; Wright, K. L. et al.; Chen, J.: MDM2 recruitment of lysine methyltransferases regulates p53 transcriptional output. The EMBO Journal 29, S. 2538 - 2552 (2010)
Deswal, S.; Beck-García, K.; Blumenthal, B.; Dopfer, E. P.; Schamel, W. W. A.: Detection of phosphorylated T and B cell antigen receptor species by Phos-tag SDS- and Blue Native-PAGE. Immunology Letters 130, S. 51 - 56 (2010)
Dopfer, E. P.; Schöpf, B.; Louis-Dit-Sully, C.; Dengler, E.; Höhne, K.; Klescová, A.; Prouza, M.; Suchanek, M.; Reth, M.; Schamel, W. W. A.: Analysis of novel phospho-ITAM specific antibodies in a S2 reconstitution system for TCR-CD3 signalling. Immunology Letters 130, S. 43 - 50 (2010)
Duy, C.; Yu, J. J.; Nahar, R.; Swaminathan, S.; Kweon, S.-M.; Polo, J. M.; Valls, E.; Klemm, L.; Shojaee, S.; Cerchietti, L. et al.; Schuh, W.; Jäck, H.-M.; Hurtz, C.; Ramezani-Rad, P.; Herzog, S.; Jumaa, H.; Koeffler, H. P.; Moreno de Alberán, I.; Melnick, A. M.; Ye, B. H.; Müschen, M.: BCL6 is critical for the development of a diverse primary B cell repertoire. The Journal of Experimental Medicine 207, S. 1209 - 1221 (2010)
Ehses, J. A.; Meier, D. T.; Wueest, S.; Rytka, J.; Boller, S.; Wielinga, P. Y.; Schraenen, A.; Lemaire, K.; Debray, S.; Van Lommel, L. et al.; Posposilik, J. A.; Tschopp, O.; Schultze, S. M.; Malipero, U.; Esterbauer, H.; Ellingsgaard, H.; Rütti, S.; Schuit, F. C.; Lutz, T. A.; Böni-Schnetzler, M.; Konrad, D.; Donath, M. Y.: Toll-like receptor 2-deficient mice are protected from insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction induced by a high-fat diet. Diabetologia 53, S. 1795 - 1806 (2010)
Grosskinsky, S.; Schott, M.; Brenner, C.; Cutler, S. J.; Simon, M. M.; Wallich, R.: Human Complement Regulators C4b-Binding Protein and C1 Esterase Inhibitor Interact with a Novel Outer Surface Protein of Borrelia recurrentis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 4, S. e698 - e698 (2010)
Heimesaat, M. M.; Nogai, A.; Bereswill, S.; Plickert, R.; Fischer, A.; Loddenkemper, C.; Steinhoff, U.; Tchaptchet, S.; Thiel, E.; Freudenberg, M. A. et al.; Göbel, U. B.; Uharek, L.: MyD88/TLR9 mediated immunopathology and gut microbiota dynamics in a novel murine model of intestinal graft-versus-host disease. Gut 59, S. 1079 - 1087 (2010)
Hierholzer, A.; Kemler, R.: β-Catenin-Mediated Signaling and Cell Adhesion in Postgastrulation Mouse Embryos. Developmental Dynamics 239, S. 191 - 199 (2010)
Hov, J. R.; Keitel, V.; Laerdahl, J. K.; Spomer, L.; Ellinghaus, E.; Elsharawy, A.; Melum, E.; Boberg, K. M.; Manke, T.; Balschun, T. et al.; Schramm, C.; Bergquist, A.; Weismüller, T.; Gotthardt, D.; Rust, C.; Henckaerts, L.; Onnie, C. M.; Weersma, R. K.; Sterneck, M.; Teufel, A.; Runz, H.; Stiehl, A.; Ponsioen, C. Y.; Wijmenga, C.; Vatn, M. H.; Stokkers, P. C. F.; Vermeire, S.; Mathew, C. G.; Lie, B. A.; Beuers, U.; Manns, M. P.; Schreiber, S.; Schrumpf, E.; Häussinger, D.; Franke, A.; Karlsen, T. H.: Mutational Characterization of the Bile Acid Receptor TGR5 in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. PLoS ONE 5, S. e12403 - e12403 (2010)
Keck, S.; Freudenberg, M.; Huber, M.: Activation of Murine Macrophages via TLR2 and TLR4 is Negatively Regulated by a Lyn/P13K Module and Promoted by SHIP1. The Journal of Immunology 184, S. 5809 - 5818 (2010)
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