Zeitschriftenartikel (2251)

Sasikaran, J.; Ziemski, M.; Zadora, P. K.; Fleig, A.; Berg, &. I. A.: Bacterial itaconate degradation promotes pathogenicity. Nature Chemical Biology 10 (5), S. 371 - 377 (2014)
Swee, L. K.; Nusser, A.; Curti, M.; Kreuzaler, M.; Rolink, H.; Terracciano, L.; Melchers, F.; Andersson, J.; Rolink, A.: The amount of self-antigen determines the effector function of murine T cells escaping negative selection. European Journal of Immunology 44 (5), S. 1299 - 1312 (2014)
Weiner, J. 3.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Recent advances towards tuberculosis control: vaccines and biomarkers. Annals of Internal Medicine 275 (5), S. 467 - 480 (2014)
Brotcke Zumsteg, A.; Goosmann, C.; Brinkmann, V.; Morona, R.; Zychlinsky, A.: IcsA Is a Shigella flexneri Adhesin Regulated by the Type III Secretion System and Required for Pathogenesis. Cell Host & Microbe 15 (4), S. 435 - 445 (2014)
Sutherland, J. S.; Loxton, A. G.; Haks, M. C.; Kassa, D.; Ambrose, L.; Lee, J.-S.; Ran, L.; van Baarle, D.; Maertzdorf, J.; Howe, R. et al.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Boom, W. H.; Thiel, B. A.; Crampin, A. C.; Hanekom, W.; Ota, M. O. C.; Dockrell, H.; Walzl, G.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Ottenhoff, T. H. M.: Differential gene expression of activating Fcγ receptor classifies active tuberculosis regardless of human immunodeficiency virus status or ethnicity. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20 (4), S. O230 - O238 (2014)
Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Lange, C.; Rao, M.; Balaji, K. N.; Lotze, M.; Schito, M.; Zumla, A. I.; Maeurer, M.: Progress in tuberculosis vaccine development and host-directed therapies—a state of the art review. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2 (4), S. 301 - 320 (2014)
Van Crevel, R.; Dockrell, H. M.; Eckold, C.E.; Cliff, J. M.; Moore, D.; Griffiths, U. K.; Laurence, Y. V.; Netea, M.G.; Aarnoutse, R.; Lachmandas, E. et al.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Beigier-Bompadre, M.; Leitner, S.; Löwe, D.; Golinski, R.; Ottenhoff, T. H.; Haks, M. C.; Joosten , S. A.; Vrieling, F.; Walzl, G.; Ronacher, K.; Malherbe, S.; Van der Spuy, G.; Critchley, J. A.; Kerry S. R., K.; Pearson, F.; Hill, P. C.; McAllister, S. M.; Ioana, M.; Panduru, N. M.; Riza, A. L.; Cimpoeru, A.; Nicoli, R.; Wijmenga, C.; Kumar, V.; Ugarte-Gil, C.; Lopez, S.; Coronel, J.; Alisjahbana, B.; Ruslami, R.; Soetedjo, N. N.; Santoso, P.; Koesoemadinata, R. C.; Schacht, C.; Büch, J.: TANDEM: understanding diabetes and tuberculosis. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2 (4), S. 270 - 272 (2014)
Gengenbacher, M.; Mouritsen, J.; Schubert, O. T.; Aebersold, R.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the Proteomics Era. Microbiology Spectrum 2 (2), MGM2-0020-2013 (2014)
Shen, P.; Roch, T.; Lampropoulou, V.; O’Connor, R. A.; Stervbo, U.; Hilgenberg, E.; Ries, S.; Dang, V. D.; Jaimes, Y.; Daridon, C. et al.; Li, R.; Jouneau, L.; Boudinot, P.; Wilantri, S.; Sakwa, I.; Miyazaki, Y.; Leech, M. D.; McPherson, R. C.; Wirtz, S.; Neurath, M.; Hoehlig, K.; Meinl, E.; Grützkau, A.; Grün, J. R.; Horn, K.; Kühl, A. A.; Dörner, T.; Bar-Or, A.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Anderton, S. M.; Fillatreau, S.: IL-35-producing B cells are critical regulators of immunity during autoimmune and infectious diseases. Nature 507 (7492), S. 366 - 370 (2014)
Naranbhai, V.; Chang, C. C.; Durgiah, R.; Omarjee, S.; Lim, A.; Moosa, M.-Y. S.; Elliot , J. H.; Ndung'u, T.; Lewin , S. R.; French, M. A. et al.; Carr, W. H.: Compartmentalization of innate immune responses in the central nervous system during cryptococcal meningitis/HIV coinfection. AIDS 28 (5), S. 657 - 666 (2014)
Hartmann, A.; Hellmund, M.; Lucius, R.; Voelker, D. R.; Gupta, N.: Phosphatidylethanolamine Synthesis in the Parasite Mitochondrion Is Required for Efficient Growth but Dispensable for Survival of Toxoplasma gondii. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (10), S. 6809 - 6824 (2014)
Churin, Y.; Roderfeld, M.; Stiefel, J.; Würger, T.; Schröder, D.; Matono, T.; Mollenkopf, H.-J.; Montalbano, R.; Pompaiah, M.; Reifenberg, K. et al.; Zahner, D.; Ocker, M.; Gerlich, W.; Glebe, D.; Roeb, E.: Pathological Impact of Hepatitis B Virus Surface Proteins on the Liver Is Associated with the Host Genetic Background. PLoS One 9 (3), e90608 (2014)
Nouailles, G.; Dorhoi, A.; Koch, M.; Zerrahn, J.; Weiner, J. 3.; Faé, K. C.; Arrey, F.; Kuhlmann, S.; Bandermann, S.; Loewe, D. et al.; Mollenkopf, H.-J.; Vogelzang, A.; Meyer-Schwesinger, C.; Mittrücker, H.-W.; McEwen, G.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: CXCL5-secreting pulmonary epithelial cells drive destructive neutrophilic inflammation in tuberculosis. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 124 (3), S. 1268 - 1282 (2014)
Grützke, J.; Rindte, K.; Goosmann, C.; Silvie, O.; Rauch, C.; Heuer, D.; Lehmann, M. J.; Mueller, A.-K.; Brinkmann, V.; Matuschewski, K. et al.; Ingmundson, A.: The Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Membranous Features of the Plasmodium Liver Stage Tubovesicular Network. Traffic 15 (4), S. 362 - 382 (2014)
Sato, Y.; Montagna, G. N.; Matuschewski, K.: Plasmodium berghei Sporozoites Acquire Virulence and Immunogenicity during Mosquito Hemocoel Transit. Infection and Immunity 82 (3), S. 1164 - 1172 (2014)
Silvie, O.; Briquet, S.; Müller, K.; Manzoni, G.; Matuschewski, K.: Post-transcriptional silencing of UIS4 in Plasmodium berghei sporozoites is important for host switch. Molecular Microbiology 91 (6), S. 1200 - 1213 (2014)
Haussig, J. M.; Matuschewski, K.; Kooij, T. W. A.: Identification of Vital and Dispensable Sulfur Utilization Factors in the Plasmodium Apicoplast. PLoS One 9 (2), e89718 (2014)
Stocker, B. L.; Khan, A. A.; Chee, S. H.; Kamena, F.; Timmer, M. S. M.: On One Leg: Trehalose Monoesters Activate Macrophages in a Mincle-Dependant Manner. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 15 (3), S. 382 - 388 (2014)
Dorhoi, A.; Iannaccone, M.; Maertzdorf, J.; Nouailles, G.; Weiner, J. 3.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Reverse translation in tuberculosis: neutrophils provide clues for understanding development of active disease. Frontiers in immunology 5, 36 (2014)
Angin, M.; Klarenbeek, P. L.; King, M.; Sharma, S. M.; Moodley, E. S.; Rezai, A.; Piechocka-Trocha, A.; Toth, I.; Chan, A. T.; Goulder, P. J. et al.; Ndung'u, T.; Kwon, D. S.; Addo, M. M.: Regulatory T Cells Expanded from HIV-1-Infected Individuals Maintain Phenotype, TCR Repertoire and Suppressive Capacity. PLoS One 9 (2), e86920 (2014)
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