Zeitschriftenartikel (2251)

Kaufmann, S. H. E.: News and EFIS: On mobility and interdisciplinarity in Immunology a century after its birth. European Journal of Immunology 38 (10), S. 2633 - 2635 (2008)
Schwarz, S.; Morelli, G.; Kusecek, B.; Manica, A.; Balloux, F.; Owen, R. J.; Graham, D. Y.; van der Merwe, S.; Achtman, M.; Suerbaum, S.: Horizontal versus Familial Transmission of Helicobacter pylori. PLoS Pathogens 4 (10), e1000180 (2008)
Song, T.; Mika, F.; Lindmark, B.; Liu, Z.; Schild, S.; Bishop, A.; Zhu, J.; Camilli, A.; Johansson, J.; Vogel, J. et al.; Wai, S. N.: A new Vibrio cholerae sRNA modulates colonization and affects release of outer membrane vesicles. Molecular Microbiology 70 (1), S. 100 - 111 (2008)
Barson, H. V.; Mollenkopf, H. J.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Rijpkema, S.: Anthrax lethal toxin suppresses chemokine production in human neutrophil NB-4 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2), S. 288 - 293 (2008)
Barson, H. V.; Mollenkopf, H. J.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Rijpkema, S.: Anthrax lethal toxin suppresses chemokine production in human neutrophil NB-4 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2), S. 288 - 293 (2008)
Nübel, U.; Roumagnac, P.; Feldkamp, M.; Song, J.-H.; Ko, K. S.; Huang, Y.-C.; Coombs, G.; Ip, M.; Westh, H.; Skov, R. et al.; Struelens, M. J.; Goering, R. V.; Strommenger, B.; Weller, A.; Witte, W.; Achtman, M.: Frequent emergence and limited geographic dispersal of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (37), S. 14130 - 14135 (2008)
Heiss, K.; Jänner, N.; Mähnß, B.; Schumacher, V.; Koch-Nolte, F.; Haag, F.; Mittrücker, H.-W.: High sensitivity of intestinal CD8(+) T cells to nucleotides indicates P2X7 as a regulator for intestinal T cell responses. Journal of Immunology 181 (6), S. 3861 - 3869 (2008)
Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Parida, S. K.: Tuberculosis in Africa: Learning from pathogenesis for biomarker identification. Cell Host & Microbe 4 (3), S. 219 - 228 (2008)
Ganoza, C. A.; Ricaldi, J. N.; Chauca, J.; Rojas, G.; Munayco, C.; Agapito, J.; Palomino, J. C.; Guerra, H.: Novel hypertonic saline-sodium hydroxide (HS-SH) method for decontamination and concentration of sputum samples for Mycobacterium tuberculosis microscopy and culture. Journal of Medical Microbiology 57 (9), S. 1094 - 1098 (2008)
Jänner, N.; Hahnke, K.; Mollenkopf, H. J.; Steinhoff, U.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Mittrücker, H.-W.: Restricted expression of C-type lectin-like natural killer receptors by CD8 T cells in the murine small intestine. Immunology 125 (1), S. 38 - 47 (2008)
Jänner, N.; Hahnke, K.; Mollenkopf, H. J.; Steinhoff, U.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Mittrücker, H.-W.: Restricted expression of C-type lectin-like natural killer receptors by CD8 T cells in the murine small intestine. Immunology 125 (1), S. 38 - 47 (2008)
Malfertheiner, P.; Schultze, V.; Rosenkranz, B.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Ulrichs, T.; Novicki, D.; Norelli, F.; Contorni, M.; Peppoloni, S.; Berti, D. et al.; Tornese, D.; Ganju, J.; Palla, E.; Rappuoli, R.; Scharschmidt, B. F.; Del Giudice, G.: Safety and immunogenicity of an intramuscular Helicobacter pylori vaccine in noninfected volunteers: A Phase I study. Gastroenterology 135 (3), S. 787 - 795 (2008)
Mantei, A.; Rutz, S.; Janke, M.; Kirchhoff, D.; Jung, U.; Patzel, V.; Vogel, U.; Rudel, T.; Andreou, I.; Weber, M. et al.; Scheffold, A.: SiRNA stabilization prolongs gene knockdown in primary T lymphocytes. European Journal of Immunology 38 (9), S. 2616 - 2625 (2008)
Mantei, A.; Rutz, S.; Janke, M.; Kirchhoff, D.; Jung, U.; Patzel, V.; Vogel, U.; Rudel, T.; Andreou, I.; Weber, M. et al.; Scheffold, A.: SiRNA stabilization prolongs gene knockdown in primary T lymphocytes. European Journal of Immunology 38 (9), S. 2616 - 2625 (2008)
Paape, D.; Lippuner, C.; Schmid, M.; Ackermann, R.; Barrios-Llerena, M. E.; Zimny-Arndt, U.; Brinkmann, V.; Arndt, B.; Pleissner, K.-P.; Jungblut, P. R. et al.; Aebischer, T.: Transgenic, fluorescent Leishmania mexicana allow direct analysis of the Proteome of intracellular amastigotes. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7 (9), S. 1688 - 1701 (2008)
Rajalingam, K.; Sharma, M.; Lohmann, C.; Oswald, M.; Thieck, O.; Froelich, C. J.; Rudel, T.: Mcl-1 Is a Key Regulator of Apoptosis Resistance in Chlamydia trachomatis-Infected Cells. PLoS ONE 3 (9), e3102 (2008)
Aebischer, T.; Bumann, D.; Epple, H. J.; Metzger, W. G.; Schneider, T.; Cherepnev, G.; Walduck, A.; Kunkel, D.; Moos, V.; Loddenkemper, C. et al.; Jiadze, I.; Panasyuk, M.; Stolte, M.; Graham, D. Y.; Zeitz, M.; Meyer, T. F.: Correlation of T cell response and bacterial clearance in human volunteers challenged with Helicobacter pylori revealed by randomised controlled vaccination with Ty21a-based Salmonella vaccines. Gut 57 (8), S. 1065 - 1072 (2008)
Beiter, K.; Wartha, F.; Hurwitz, R.; Normark, S.; Zychlinsky, A.; Henriques-Normark, B.: The capsule sensitizes Streptococcus pneumoniae to alpha-defensins human neutrophil proteins 1 to 3. Infection and Immunity 76 (8), S. 3710 - 3716 (2008)
Beiter, K.; Wartha, F.; Hurwitz, R.; Normark, S.; Zychlinsky, A.; Henriques-Normark, B.: The capsule sensitizes Streptococcus pneumoniae to alpha-defensins human neutrophil proteins 1 to 3. Infection and Immunity 76 (8), S. 3710 - 3716 (2008)
Holt, K. E.; Parkhill, J.; Mazzoni, C. J.; Roumagnac, P.; Weill, F.-X.; Goodhead, I.; Rance, R.; Baker, S.; Maskell, D. J.; Wain, J. et al.; Dolecek, C.; Achtman, M.; Dougan, G.: High-throughput sequencing provides insights into genome variation and evolution in Salmonella Typhi. Nature Genetics 40 (8), S. 987 - 993 (2008)
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