Zeitschriftenartikel (3233)

Rautiainen, M.; Marschall, T.: GraphAligner: Rapid and Versatile Sequence-to-Graphalignment. Genome Biology 21 (1), 253 (2020)
Rosser, E. C.; Piper, C. J. M.; Matei, D. E.; Blair, P. A.; Rendeiro, A. F.; Orford, M.; Alber, D. G.; Krausgruber, T.; Catalan, D.; Klein, N. et al.; Manson, J. J.; Drozdov, I.; Bock, C.; Wedderburn, L. R.; Eaton, S.; Mauri, C.: Microbiota-Derived Metabolites Suppress Arthritis by Amplifying Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation in Regulatory B Cells. Cell Metabolism 31 (4), e10, S. 837 - 851 (2020)
Saberpour, A.; Hersch, R. D.; Fang, J.; Zayer, R.; Seidel, H.-P.; Babaei, V.: Fabrication of Moiré on Curved Surfaces. Optics Express 28 (13), S. 19413 - 19427 (2020)
Saidi, S. J.; Maghsoudlou, A.; Foucard, D.; Smaragdakis, G.; Poese, I.; Feldmann, A.: Exploring Network-Wide Flow Data with Flowyager. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (4), S. 1988 - 2006 (2020)
Sathya, V.; Ghosh, S.; Ramamurthy, A.; Tamma, B. R.: Small Cell Planning: Resource Management and Interference Mitigation Mechanisms in LTE HetNets. Wireless Personal Communications 115, S. 335 - 361 (2020)
Sattar, H.; Fritz, M.; Bulling, A.: Deep Gaze Pooling: Inferring and Visually Decoding Search Intents from Human Gaze Fixations. Neurocomputing 387, S. 369 - 382 (2020)
Scherer, M.; Nazarov, P. V.; Toth, R.; Sahay, S.; Kaoma, T.; Maurer, V.; Vedeneev, N.; Plass, C.; Lengauer, T.; Walter, J. et al.; Lutsik, P.: Reference-free Deconvolution, Visualization and Interpretation of Complex DNA Methylation Data Using DecompPipeline, MeDeCom and FactorViz. Nature Protocols 15, S. 3240 - 3263 (2020)
Scherer, M.; Nebel, A.; Franke, A.; Walter, J.; Lengauer, T.; Bock, C.; Müller, F.; List, M.: Quantitative Comparison of Within-Sample Heterogeneity Scores for DNA Methylation Data. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 48 (8), e46 (2020)
Schlichtkrull, A.; Blanchette, J.; Traytel, D.; Waldmann, U.: Formalizing Bachmair and Ganzinger's Ordered Resolution Prover. Journal of Automated Reasoning 64, S. 1169 - 1195 (2020)
Schmidt, F.; Kern, F.; Schulz, M. H.: Integrative Prediction of Gene Expression with Chromatin Accessibility and Conformation Data. Epigenetics & Chromatin 13, 4 (2020)
Schrinner, S. D.; Mari, R. S.; Ebler, J.; Rautiainen, M.; Seillier, L.; Reimer, J. J.; Usadel, B.; Marschall, T.; Klau, G. W.: Haplotype Threading: Accurate Polyploid Phasing from Long Reads. Genome Biology 21 (1), 252 (2020)
Serrano, A.; Martin, D.; Gutierrez, D.; Myszkowski, K.; Masia, B.: Imperceptible Manipulation of Lateral Camera Motion for Improved Virtual Reality Applications. ACM Transactions on Graphics 39 (6), 268 (2020)
Shafin, K.; Pesout, T.; Lorig-Roach, R.; Haukness, M.; Olsen, H. E.; Bosworth, C.; Armstrong, J.; Tigyi, K.; Maurer, N.; Koren, S. et al.; Sedlazeck, F. J.; Marschall, T.; Mayes, S.; Costa, V.; Zook, J. M.; Liu, K. J.; Kilburn, D.; Sorensen, M.; Munson, K. M.; Vollger, M. R.; Monlong, J.; Garrison, E.; Eichler, E. E.; Salama, S.; Haussler, D.; Green, R. E.; Akeson, M.; Phillippy, A.; Miga, K. H.; Carnevali, P.; Jain, M.; Paten, B.: Nanopore Sequencing and the Shasta Toolkit Enable Efficient de novo Assembly of Eleven Human Genomes. Nature Biotechnology 38, S. 1044 - 1053 (2020)
Shahmirzadi, A. A.; Babaei, V.; Seidel, H.-P.: A Multispectral Dataset of Oil and Watercolor Paints. Electronic Imaging 32, 107, S. 1 - 4 (2020)
Shanta, O.; Noor, A.; Sebat, J.; Chaisson, M. J. P.; Sanders, A. D.; Zhao, X.; Malhotra, A.; Porubsky, D.; Rausch, T.; Gardner, E. J. et al.; Rodriguez, O. L.; Guo, L.; Collins, R. L.; Fan, X.; Wen, J.; Handsaker, R. E.; Fairley, S.; Kronenberg, Z. N.; Kong, X.; Hormozdiari, F.; Lee, D.; Wenger, A. M.; Hastie, A. R.; Antaki, D.; Anantharaman, T.; Audano, P. A.; Brand, H.; Cantsilieris, S.; Cao, H.; Cerveira, E.; Chen, C.; Chen, X.; Chin, C.-S.; Chong, Z.; Chuang, N. T.; Lambert, C. C.; Church, D. M.; Clarke, L.; Farrell, A.; Flores, J.; Galeey, T.; Gujral, M.; Guryev, V.; Heaton, W. H.; Korlach, J.; Kumar, S.; Kwon, J. Y.; Lam, E. T.; Lee, J. E.; Lee, J.; Lee, W.-P.; Lee, S. P.; Li, S.; Marks, P.; Viaud-Martinez, K.; Meiers, S.; Munson, K. M.; Navarro, F. C. P.; Nelson, B. J.; Nodzak, C.; Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou, S.; Pang, A. W. C.; Rosanio, G.; Ryan, M.; Stuetz, A.; Spierings, D. C. J.; Ward, A.; Welch, A. M. E.; Xiao, M.; Xu, W.; Zhang, C.; Zhu, Q.; Zheng-Bradley, X.; Lowy, E.; Yakneen, S.; McCarroll, S.; Jun, G.; Ding, L.; Koh, C. L.; Flicek, P.; Chen, K.; Gerstein, M. B.; Kwok, P.-Y.; Lansdorp, P. M.; Marth, G. T.; Shi, X.; Bashir, A.; Ye, K.; Devine, S. E.; Talkowski, M. E.; Mills, R. E.; Marschall, T.; Korbel, J. O.; Eichler, E. E.; Lee, C.; HGSVC: The Effects of Common Structural Variants on 3D Chromatin Structure. BMC Genomics 21 (1), 95 (2020)
Shimada, S.; Golyanik, V.; Xu, W.; Theobalt, C.: PhysCap: Physically Plausible Monocular 3D Motion Capture in Real Time. ACM Transactions on Graphics 39 (6), 235 (2020)
Shukla, A.; Fathalli, S.; Zinner, T.; Hecker, A.; Schmid, S.: P4Consist: Toward Consistent P4 SDNs. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (7), S. 1293 - 1307 (2020)
Shukla, A.; Saidi, S. J.; Schmid, S.; Canini, M.; Zinner, T.; Feldmann, A.: Toward Consistent SDNs: A Case for Network State Fuzzing. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (2), S. 668 - 681 (2020)
Singh, G.; Subr, K.; Coeurjolly, D.; Ostromoukhov, V.; Jarosz, W.: Fourier Analysis of Correlated Monte Carlo Importance Sampling. Computer Graphics Forum 39 (1), S. 7 - 19 (2020)
Srikakulam, S. K.; Bastys, T.; Kalinina, O. V.: A Shift of Dynamic Equilibrium between the KIT Active and Inactive States Causes Drug Resistance. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 88 (11), S. 1434 - 1446 (2020)
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