Zeitschriftenartikel (3240)

Sanders, A. D.; Meiers, S.; Ghareghani, M.; Porubsky, D.; Jeong, H.; van Vliet, M. A. C. C.; Rausch, T.; Richter-Pechanska, P.; Kunz, J. B.; Jenni, S. et al.; Bolognini, D.; Longo, G. M. C.; Raeder, B.; Kinanen, V.; Zimmermann, J.; Benes, V.; Schrappe, M.; Mardin, B. R.; Kulozik, A. E.; Bornhauser, B.; Bourquin, J.-P.; Marschall, T.; Korbel, J. O.: Single-Cell Analysis of Structural Variations and Complex Rearrangements with Tri-Channel Processing. Nature Biotechnology 38, S. 343 - 354 (2019)
Schick, S.; Rendeiro, A. F.; Runggatscher, K.; Ringler, A.; Boidol, B.; Hinkel, M.; Majek, P.; Vulliard, L.; Penz, T.; Parapatics, K. et al.; Schmidl, C.; Menche, J.; Boehmelt, G.; Petronczki, M.; Mueller, A. C.; Bock, C.; Kubicek, S.: Systematic Characterization of BAF Mutations Provides Insights into Intracomplex Synthetic Lethalities in Human Cancers. Nature Genetics 51 (9), S. 1399 - 1410 (2019)
Schmidl, C.; Vladimer, G. I.; Rendeiro, A. F.; Schnabl, S.; Krausgruber, T.; Taubert, C.; Krall, N.; Pemovska, T.; Araghi, M.; Snijder, B. et al.; Hubmann, R.; Ringler, A.; Runggatscher, K.; Demirtas, D.; Lopez de la Fuente, O.; Hilgarth, M.; Skrabs, C.; Porpaczy, E.; Gruber, M.; Hoermann, G.; Kubicek, S.; Staber, P. B.; Shehata, M.; Superti-Furga, G.; Jaeger, U.; Bock, C.: Combined Chemosensitivity and Chromatin Profiling Prioritizes Drug Combinations in CLL. Nature Chemical Biology 15 (3), S. 232 - 240 (2019)
Schmidt, F.; Schulz, M. H.: On the Problem of Confounders in Modeling Gene Expression. Bioinformatics 35 (4), S. 711 - 719 (2019)
Schmidt, F.; Kern, F.; Ebert, P.; Baumgarten, N.; Schulz, M. H.: TEPIC 2 - an Extended Framework for Transcription Factor Binding Prediction and Integrative Epigenomic Analysis. Bioinformatics 35 (9), S. 1608 - 1609 (2019)
Schroeder, P.; Dochow, R.; Schmidt, G.: Optimal Solutions for the Online Time Series Search and One-Way Trading Problem with Interrelated Prices and a Profit Function. Computers & Industrial Engineering 119, S. 465 - 471 (2019)
Schroeder, P.; Kacem, I.; Schmidt, G.: Optimal Online Algorithms for the Portfolio Selection Problem, Bi-Directional Trading and -Search with Interrelated Prices. RAIRO - Operations Research 53 (2), S. 559 - 576 (2019)
Sdelci, S.; Rendeiro, A. F.; Rathert, P.; You, W.; Lin, J.-M. G.; Ringler, A.; Hofstaetter, G.; Moll, H. P.; Guertl, B.; Farlik, M. et al.; Schick, S.; Klepsch, F.; Oldach, M.; Buphamalai, P.; Schischlik, F.; Majek, P.; Parapatics, K.; Schmidl, C.; Schuster, M.; Penz, T.; Buckley, D. L.; Hudecz, O.; Imre, R.; Wang, S.-Y.; Maric, H. M.; Kralovics, R.; Bennett, K. L.; Mueller, A. C.; Mechtler, K.; Menche, J.; Bradner, J. E.; Winter, G. E.; Klavins, K.; Casanova, E.; Bock, C.; Zuber, J.; Kubicek, S.: MTHFD1 Interaction with BRD4 Links Folate Metabolism to Transcriptional Regulation. Nature Genetics 51 (6), S. 990 - 998 (2019)
Semmler, N.; Smaragdakis, G.; Feldmann, A.: Online Replication Strategies for Distributed Data Stores. Open Journal of Internet Of Things 5 (1), S. 47 - 57 (2019)
Singh, G.; Öztireli, C.; Ahmed, A. G.M.; Coeurjolly, D.; Subr, K.; Ostromoukhov, V.; Deussen, O.; Ramamoorthi, R.; Jarosz, W.: Analysis of Sample Correlations for Monte Carlo Rendering. Computer Graphics Forum 38 (2), S. 473 - 491 (2019)
Sippl, C.; Ketter, R.; Braun, L.; Teping, F.; Schoeneberger, L.; Kim, Y. J.; List, M.; Nakhoda, A.; Wemmert, S.; Oertel, J. et al.; Urbschat, S.: miRNA-26a Expression Influences the Therapy Response to Carmustine Wafer Implantation in Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme. Acta Neurochirurgica 161 (11), S. 2299 - 2309 (2019)
Soldatov, R.; Kaucka, M.; Kastriti, M. E.; Petersen, J.; Chontorotzea, T.; Englmaier, L.; Akkuratova, N.; Yang, Y.; Haring, M.; Dyachuk, V. et al.; Bock, C.; Farlik, M.; Piacentino, M. L.; Boismoreau, F.; Hilscher, M. M.; Yokota, C.; Qian, X.; Nilsson, M.; Bronner, M. E.; Croci, L.; Hsiao, W.-Y.; Guertin, D. A.; Brunet, J.-F.; Consalez, G. G.; Ernfors, P.; Fried, K.; Kharchenko, P. V.; Adameyko, I.: Spatiotemporal Structure of Cell Fate Decisions in Murine Neural Crest. Science 364 (64444), eaas9536 (2019)
Steil, J.; Tonsen, M.; Sugano, Y.; Bulling, A.: InvisibleEye: Fully Embedded Mobile Eye Tracking Using Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation. GetMobile 23 (2), S. 30 - 34 (2019)
Sumin, D.; Rittig, T.; Babaei, V.; Nindel, T.; Wilkie, A.; Didyk, P.; Bickel, B.; Křivánek, J.; Myszkowski, K.; Weyrich, T.: Geometry-Aware Scattering Compensation for 3D Printing. ACM Transactions on Graphics 38 (4), 111 (2019)
Thies, J.; Zollhöfer, M.; Stamminger, M.; Theobalt, C.; Nießner, M.: Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos. Communications of the ACM 62 (1), S. 96 - 104 (2019)
Tursun, O. T.; Arabadzhiyska, E.; Wernikowski, M.; Mantiuk, R.; Seidel, H.-P.; Myszkowski, K.; Didyk, P.: Luminance-Contrast-Aware Foveated Rendering. ACM Transactions on Graphics 38 (4), 98 (2019)
Ulz, P.; Perakis, S.; Zhou, Q.; Moser, T.; Belic, J.; Lazzeri, I.; Woelfler, A.; Zebisch, A.; Gerger, A.; Pristauz, G. et al.; Petru, E.; White, B.; Roberts, C. E. S.; St Johns, J.; Schimek, M. G.; Geigl, J. B.; Bauernhofer, T.; Sill, H.; Bock, C.; Heitzer, E.; Speicher, M. R.: Inference of Transcription Factor Binding from Cell-free DNA Enables Tumor Subtype Prediction and Early Detection. Nature Communications 10, 4666 (2019)
van Leeuwen, M.; Chau, P.; Vreeken, J.; Shahaf, D.; Faloutsos, C.: Addendum to the Special Issue on Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (TKDD, Vol. 12, Iss. 1): Introduction by the Guest Editors. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 13 (1), 13 (2019)
Wang, L.; Wang, Y.; de Melo, G.; Weikum, G.: Understanding Archetypes of Fake News via Fine-grained Classification. Social Network Analysis and Mining 9 (1), 37 (2019)
Weidenbach, C.: The Challenge of Unifying Semantic and Syntactic Inference Restrictions. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 311, S. 5 - 10 (2019)
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