Bioinformatic postdoctoral positions (m/f/d) at the Dioscuri Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Metabolic Diseases (Brno, Czech Republic)

Wissenschaftliche und technische Assistenz München

Ausschreibungsnummer: 1734

Stellenangebot vom 23. Juli 2024

Bioinformatic postdoctoral positions (m/f/d) at the Dioscuri Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Metabolic Diseases (Brno, Czech Republic)

We are seeking an experienced postdoctoral researcher with several years of expertise in bioinformatics data processing, as well as a strong understanding of developmental biology. You will join the DIOSCURI Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Metabolic Diseases, a newly established research group led by Peter Fabian. The center is in the Faculty of Natural Science at Masaryk University in Brno and operates under the auspices of the Dioscuri Program, initiated by the Max Planck Society.

You will have the opportunity to work with the zebrafish animal model to investigate processes that are crucial for the development and repair of the skeleton, particularly the facial region. In addition to studying stem cells, you will also focus on NICHE cells and their metabolic processes that support the long-term maintenance of the skull. Furthermore, your research will contribute to our understanding of human metabolic disorders such as Robinow syndrome and Alkaptonuria. The insights gained from your work may pave the way for future therapies aimed at restoring normal skeletal function.

What we expect from you
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, Informatics, Biology, or related field
  • Previous experience in programming languages as Python, R, Java
  • Good communication skills (oral and written) in English
  • Understanding of molecular biology processes
  • Creative and analytical problem-solving skills
  • Knowledge of various tools, software, and databases used for analysis of sequencing techniques (single cell multiome ATAC)
  • At least 6 years practice in the field

What we offer

  • A contract for up to 5 years, starting with an initial 1-year term with potential extensions
  • An international, collaborative, and supportive environment within a young research group
  • High-impact research topics and the possibility to constantly learn and improve
  • 35 100 € annually
  • Flexible working hours and occasional home office to support personal needs in family and career compatibility
  • Employee benefits such as 6 weeks of paid vacation per year, a financial meal allowance, Multisport card, discounted language courses, and more
  • Opportunity to work and live in Brno, a modern and dynamic city
  • Welcome Office provides support with your relocation to Brno

About the Workplace
Masaryk University is modern, dynamic and the most attractive university in the Czech Republic with ten faculties, more than 6 500 staff and 33 000 students, a wide range of research areas and a strong international position.

Faculty of Science, a holder of the HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission, is a research-oriented faculty, offering university education closely linked to both primary and applied research and high school teaching of the following sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth sciences. We are the most productive scientific unit of the Masaryk University generating around 40 % of research results.

The Department of Animal Physiology and Immunology (Institute of Experimental Biology) at the Faculty of Science of MU is a modern, fully equipped workplace where individual research groups are engaged in research at all levels - from molecules and cells through invertebrates to humans; from basic research to the application of results in human and veterinary medicine. The mission of Fabian Lab is to understand fundamental processes underlying the development and maintenance of vertebrate organs while supporting a scientifically excellent and equitable environment for trainees to thrive.

How to apply
Please send a motivation letter, your CV, a list of publications and at least three references to the leader of the Dioscuri Centre
Peter Fabian by August 1st, 2024.

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