Zeitschriftenartikel (5498)

Breska, A.; Ivry, R.: Context-specific control over the neural dynamics of temporal attention by the human cerebellum. Science Advances 6 (49), eabb1141, S. 1 - 15 (2020)
Connah, L.; Angelovski, G.: Solid phase synthesis in the development of magnetic resonance imaging probes. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 7 (24), S. 4121 - 4141 (2020)
Fardet, T.; Levina, A.: Simple models including energy and spike constraints reproduce complex activity patterns and metabolic disruptions. PLoS Computational Biology 16 (12), S. 1 - 22 (2020)
Gagne, C.; Zika, O.; Dayan, P.; Bishop, S.: Impaired adaptation of learning to contingency volatility in internalizing psychopathology. eLife 9, S. 1 - 51 (2020)
Heule, R.; Bause, J.; Pusterla, O.; Scheffler, K.: Multi-parametric Artificial Neural Network Fitting of Phase-Cycled Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (6), S. 2981 - 2993 (2020)
Leerssen , J.; Blanken, T.; Pozzi, E.; Jahanshad , N.; Aftanas, L.; Andreassen, O.; Baune, B.; Brack, I.; Carballedo, A.; Ching, C. et al.; Dannlowski, U.; Dohm, K.; Enneking, V.; Filimonova, E.; Fingas, S.; Frodl, T.; Godlewska, B.; Goltermann, J.; Gotlib, I.; Grotegerd, D.; Gruber, O.; Harris, M.; Hatton, S.; Hawkins, E.; Hickie, I.; Jaworska, N.; Kircher, T.; Krug, A.; Lagopoulos, J.; Lemke, H.; Li, M.; MacMaster , F.; McIntosh, A.; McLellan , Q.; Meinert, S.; Mwangi, B.; Nenadić, I.; Osipov, E.; Portella, M.; Redlich, R.; Repple, j.; Sacchet, M.; Sämann, P.; Simulionyte, E.; Soares, J.; Walter, M.; Watanabe, N.; Whalley, H.; Yüksel, D.; Veltman, D.; Thompson, P.; Schmaal, L.; Van Someren, E.: Brain structural correlates of insomnia severity in 1053 individuals with major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA MDD Working Group. Translational Psychiatry 10 (1), 425, S. 1 - 11 (2020)
Leutritz, A.; Colic, L.; Borchardt , V.; Cheng, X.; Zhang, B.; Lison, S.; Frommer, J.; Buchheim, A.; Strauss, B.; Fonagy, P. et al.; Nolte, T.; Walter, M.: Attachment-specific speech patterns induce dysphoric mood changes in the listener as a function of individual differences in attachment characteristics and psychopathology. Psychology and Psychotherapy 93 (4), S. 754 - 776 (2020)
Oyanedel, C.; Durán, E.; Niethard, N.; Inostroza, M.; Born, J.: Temporal associations between sleep slow oscillations, spindles and ripples. European Journal of Neuroscience 52 (12), S. 4762 - 4778 (2020)
Ramirez-Villegas, J.; Besserve, M.; Murayama, Y.; Evrard, H.; Oeltermann, A.; Logothetis, N.: Author Correction: Coupling of hippocampal theta and ripples with pontogeniculooccipital waves. Nature 588 (7839), S. E34 (2020)
Robinson, N.; Descamps, L.; Russell, L.; Buchholz, M.; Bicknell, B.; Antonov, G.; Lau, J.; Nutbrown, R.; Schmidt-Hieber, C.; Häusser, M.: Targeted Activation of Hippocampal Place Cells Drives Memory-Guided Spatial Behavior. Cell 183 (6), S. 1586 - 1599 (2020)
Schulz, E.; Dayan, P.: Computational psychiatry for computers. iScience 23 (12), 101772 (2020)
Schulz, L.; Rollwage, M.; Dolan, R.; Fleming, S.: Dogmatism manifests in lowered information search under uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (49), S. 31527 - 31534 (2020)
Seith, F.; Pohmann, R.; Schwartz, M.; Küstner, T.; Othman, A.; Kolb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Nikolaou, K.; Schick, F.; Martirosian, P.: Imaging Pulmonary Blood Flow Using Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling (PCASL) With Balanced Steady-State Free-Precession (bSSFP) Readout at 1.5T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 52 (6), S. 1767 - 1782 (2020)
Tremblay, S.; Acker, L.; Afraz, A.; Albaugh , D.; Amita, H.; Andrei, A.; Angelucci, A.; Aschner, A.; Balan, P.; Basso, M. et al.; Benvenuti , G.; Bohlen, M.; Caiola, M.; Calcedo, R.; Cavanaugh , J.; Chen, Y.; Chernov, M.; Clark, A.; Dai, J.; Debes, S.; Deisseroth, K.; Desimone, R.; Dragoi , V.; Egger, S.; Eldridge, M.; El-Nahal, H.; Fabbrini , F.; Federer, F.; Fetsch, C.; Fortuna, M.; Friedman , R.; Fujii, N.; Gail, A.; Galvan, A.; Ghosh, S.; Gieselmann, M.; Gulli, R.; Hikosaka , O.; Hosseini , E.; Hu, X.; Hüer, J.; Inoue , K.-I.; Janz, R.; Jazayeri, M.; Jiang, R.; Ju, N.; Kar, K.; Klein, C.; Kohn, A.; Komatsu , M.; Maeda, K.; Martinez-Trujillo , J.; Matsumoto, M.; Maunsell, J.; Mendoza-Halliday , D.; Monosov , I.; Muers, R.; Nurminen, L.; Ortiz-Rios , M.; O'Shea , D.; Palfi, S.; Petkov, C.; Pojoga , S.; Rajalingham , R.; Ramakrishnan, C.; Remington, E.; Revsine , D.; Roe, A.; Sabes , P.; Saunders, R.; Scherberger, H.; Schmid, M.; Schultz, W.; Seidemann , E.; Senova, Y.-S.; Shadlen, M.; Sheinberg, D.; Siu, C.; Smith, Y.; Solomon, S.; Sommer, M.; Spudich , J.; Stauffer, W.; Takada , M.; Tang, S.; Thiele, A.; Treue, S.; Vanduffel , W.; Vogels, R.; Whitmire , M.; Wichmann, T.; Wurtz , R.; Xu, H.; Yazdan-Shahmorad , A.; Shenoy, K.; DiCarlo , J.; Platt, M.: An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics. Neuron 108 (6), S. 1075 - 1090 (2020)
Truong, P.; Kim, J.; Savjani, R.; Sitek, K.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Ress, D.: Depth relationships and measures of tissue thickness in dorsal midbrain. Human Brain Mapping 41 (18), S. 5083 - 5096 (2020)
von Laßberg, C.; Campos, J.; Beykirch, K.: Long term measures of vestibulo-ocular reflex function in high level male gymnasts and its possible role during context specific rotational tasks. PLoS One 15 (12), S. 1 - 14 (2020)
Yuste, R.; Hawrylycz, M.; Aalling, N.; Arendt, D.; Armananzas, R.; Ascoli, G.; Bielza, C.; Bokharaie, V.; Bergmann, T.; Bystron, I. et al.; Capogna, M.; Chang, Y.; Clemens , A.; de Kock, C.; DeFelipe, J.; Dos Santos, S.; Dunville, K.; Feldmeyer, D.; Fiáth, R.; Fishell, G.; Foggetti, A.; Gao, X.; Ghaderi, P.; Güntürkün, O.; Hall, V.; Helmstaedter, M.; Herculano-Houzel, S.; Hilscher, M.; Hirase, H.; Hjerling-Leffler, J.; Hodge, R.; Huang, Z.; Huda, R.; Juan, Y.; Khodosevich, K.; Kiehn, O.; Koch, H.; Kuebler, E.; Kühnemund, M.; Larrañaga, P.; Lelieveldt, D.; Louth, E.; Lui, J.; Mansvelder, H.; Marin, O.; Martínez-Trujillo, J.; Moradi, H.; Goriounova, N.; Mohapatra, A.; Nedergaard, M.; Němec, P.; Ofer, N.; Pfisterer, U.; Pontes, S.; Redmond , W.; Rossier, J.; Sanes, J.; Scheuermann, R.; Serrano Saiz, E.; Somogyi, P.; Tamás, G.; Tolias, A.; Tosches, M.; Turrero Garcia, M.; Aguilar-Valles, A.; Munguba, H.; Wozny, C.; Wuttke, T.; Yong, L.; Zeng, H.; Lein, E.: A community-based transcriptomics classification and nomenclature of neocortical cell types. Nature Neuroscience 23 (12), S. 1456 - 1468 (2020)
Aston, S.; Denisova, K.; Hurlbert, A.; Olkkonen, M.; Pearce, B.; Rudd, M.; Werner, A.; Xiao, B.: Exploring the Determinants of Color Perception Using #Thedress and Its Variants: The Role of Spatio-Chromatic Context, Chromatic Illumination, and Material-Light Interaction. Perception 49 (11), S. 1235 - 1251 (2020)
Bellucci, G.; Camilleri, J.; Eickhoff, S.; Krueger, F.: Neural signatures of prosocial behaviors. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 118, S. 186 - 195 (2020)
Chen, Y.; Sobczak, F.; Pais-Roldán, P.; Schwarz, C.; Koretsky, A.; Yu, X.: Mapping the Brain-Wide Network Effects by Optogenetic Activation of the Corpus Callosum. Cerebral Cortex 30 (11), S. 5885 - 5898 (2020)
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