Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Zeitschriftenartikel (149)
41 (4), S. 83 - 102 (2019)
The threshold age of the lifetable entropy. Demographic Research 2.
109 (3), S. 483 - 489 (2019)
Upsurge of homicides and its impact on life expectancy and life span inequality in Mexico, 2005–2015. American Journal of Public Health 3.
56 (5), S. 1723 - 1746 (2019)
Determinants of influenza mortality trends: age-period-cohort analysis of influenza mortality in the United States, 1959–2016. Demography 4.
41 (42), S. 1205 - 1234 (2019)
APC curvature plots: displaying nonlinear age-period-cohort patterns on Lexis plots. Demographic Research 5.
40 (23), S. 627 - 656 (2019)
Blood is thicker than bloodshed: a genealogical approach to reconstruct populations after armed conflicts. Demographic Research 6.
40 (4), S. 78 - 82 (2019)
Reports of the workshops held at the 2019 International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. AI Magazine 7.
45 (3), S. 617 - 630 (2019)
The impact of Hurricane Maria on out-migration from Puerto Rico: evidence from Facebook data. Population and Development Review 8.
7 (2), S. 163 - 189 (2019)
Balance and frustration in signed networks. Journal of Complex Networks 9.
7 (100355), S. 1 - 11 (2019)
The psychosocial health of children born after medically assisted reproduction: evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. SSM-Population Health 10.
16 (3), S. 1 - 2 (2019)
Wie Kinder die Lebenserwartung der Eltern beeinflussen. Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand 11.
35 (1), S. 63 - 85 (2019)
Parity and mortality: an examination of different explanatory mechanisms using data on biological and adoptive parents. European Journal of Population 12.
30 (3), S. 388 - 395 (2019)
The impact of unemployment on antidepressant purchasing: adjusting for unobserved time-constant confounding in the g-formula. Epidemiology 13.
73 (2), S. 217 - 232 (2019)
Education, cognitive ability, and cause-specific mortality: a structural approach. Population Studies 14.
150, S. 68 - 73 (2019)
Detecting mortality deceleration: likelihood inference and model selection in the gamma-Gompertz model. Statistics and Probability Letters 15.
19 (3), S. 223 - 224 (2019)
Guest Editorial: Statistical modelling in demographics. Statistical Modelling 16.
4 (2), S. e001275 - e001275 (2019)
Youth lost to homicides: disparities in survival in Latin America and the Caribbean. BMJ Global Health 17.
60 (2), S. 204 - 221 (2019)
Crowded nests: parent-adult child coresidence transitions and parental mental health following the Great Recession. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 18.
67 (3), S. 471 - 476 (2019)
Trends in hospital deaths in Denmark from 1980 to 2014, at ages 50 and older. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 19.
41 (15), S. 425 - 460 (2019)
Is the age difference between partners related to women’s earnings? Demographic Research 20.
4 (44), S. 1 - 3 (2019)
perccalc: an R package for estimating percentiles from categorical variables. Journal of Open Source Software