Konferenzbeitrag (263)

Fischer, V.; Ricci, F.; Yakimova, O.: Nilpotent Gelfand pairs and spherical transforms of Schwartz functions II: Taylor expansions on singular sets. In: Lie Groups: Structure, Actions, and Representations, S. 81 - 112. Lie Groups: Structure, Actions, and Representations., Bochum, Germany, 11. Januar 2012 - 14. Januar 2012. Springer, New York, USA (2013)
Grigoriev, D.: Polynomial complexity of solving systems of few algebraic equations with small degrees. In: Computer algebra in scientific computing, S. 136 - 139. 15th International Workshop, CASC 2013, Berlin, 09. September 2013 - 13. September 2013. Springer, Cham [et al.] (2013)
Grigoriev, D.; Schwarz, F.: Computing divisors and common multiples of quasi-linear ordinary differential equations. In: Computer algebra in scientific computing, S. 140 - 147. 15th International Workshop, CASC 2013, Berlin, 09. September 2013 - 13. September 2013. Springer, Cham [et al.] (2013)
Grigoriev, D.; Shpilrain, V.: Secure information transmission based on physical principles. In: Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, S. 113 - 124. 12th International Conference, UCNC 2013, Milan, 01. Juli 2013 - 05. Juli 2013. Springer, Cham [et al.] (2013)
Guillera, J.; Zudilin, W.: Ramanujan-type formulae for 1/π: the art of translation. In: The legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan, S. 181 - 195. International Conference in Celebration of the 125th Anniversary of Ramanujan's Birth, Delhi, 17. Dezember 2012 - 22. Dezember 2012. Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Mysore (2013)
Kiselev, A. V.: The geometry of variations in Batalin–Vilkovisky formalism. XXIst International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS21), Prague, 12. Juni 2013 - 16. Juni 2013. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 474, 012024, (2013)
Odesskii, A.; Rubtsov, V.; Sokolov, V.: Double Poisson brackets on free associative algebras. In: Noncommutative birational geometry, representations and combinatorics, S. 225 - 239. AMS Special Session on Noncommutative Birational Geometry, Representations and Cluster Algebras, Boston, MA, USA, 06. Januar 2012 - 07. Januar 2012. American Mathematical Society, Providence, USA (2013)
Wimmer-Zagier, S.; Zagier, D.: Some questions and observations around the mathematics of Seki Takakazu. In: Seki, founder of modern mathematics in Japan, S. 275 - 297. International Conference on the History of Mathematics in memory of Seki Takakazu (1642?–1708), Tokyo, 25. August 2008 - 31. August 2008. Springer, Tokyo [et al.] (2013)
Wojtkowiak, Z.: Periods of mixed Tate motives, examples, l-adic side. In: Arithmetic and geometry around Galois theory, S. 337 - 369. Geometry and Arithmetic around Galois Theory, Istanbul, 08. Juni 2009 - 19. Juni 2009. Birkhäuser, Basel (2013)
Zudilin, W.: Period(d)ness of L-values. In: Number Theory and Related Fields, S. 381 - 395. The International Number Theory Conference in Memory of Alf van der Poorten, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 12. März 2012 - 16. März 2012. Springer, New York (2013)
Altmannk, K.; Ilten, N. O.; Petersen, L.; Süß, H.; Vollmert, R.: The geometry of T-varieties. In: Contributions to algebraic geometry, S. 17 - 69. Impanga Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Banach Center, Będlewo, 04. Juli 2010 - 10. Juli 2010. EMS, Zürich (2012)
Bär, C.; Ballmann, W.: Boundary value problems for elliptic differential operators of first order. In: In Memory of C. C. Hsiung, S. 1 - 78. JDG Symposium, Lehigh University, 2010-06. International Press, Somerville, Mass. (2012)
Baykur, R. İ.: Broken Lefschetz fibrations and smooth structures on 4–manifolds. In: Proceedings of the Freedman Fest, S. 9 - 34. Conference on Low-Dimensional Manifolds and High-Dimensional Categorgies et al., Berkeley, CA, 06. Juni 2011 - 10. Juni 2011. Mathematical Sciences Publishers, Berkeley, CA (2012)
Bringmann, K.; Ono, K.: Coefficients of harmonic Maass forms. In: Partitions, q-series, and modular forms, S. 23 - 38. International Conference on Partitions, q-Series, and Modular Forms, Florida, 2008-03. Springer, New York (et al) (2012)
Conant, J.; Schneiderman, R.; Teichner, P.: Universal quadratic forms and Whitney tower intersection invariants. In: Proceedings of the Freedman Fest, S. 35 - 60. Conference on Low-Dimensional Manifolds and High-Dimensional Categories et al., Berkeley, CA, 06. Juni 2011 - 10. Juni 2011. Mathematical Sciences Publishers, Berkeley, CA (2012)
Grigoriev, D.; Weber, A.: Complexity of solving systems with few independent monomials and applications to mass-action kinetics. In: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, S. 143 - 154. Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 14th International Workshop, Maribor, Slovenia, 03. September 2012 - 06. September 2012. Springer, Berlin (2012)
Low-dimensional topology and number theory. Report No. 42/2012. Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory, Oberwolfach, 26. August 2012 - 01. September 2012. Oberwolfach Reports 9 (3), S. 2541 - 2596 (2012)
Heim, B.; Murase, A.: Borcherds lifts on Sp₂(Z). In: Geometry and Analysis of Automorphic Forms of Several Variables. Proceedings of the International Symposium in Honor of Takayuki Oda on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, S. 56 - 76. Geometry and Analysis of Automorphic Forms of Several Variables, Tokyo, Japan, 14. September 2009 - 17. September 2009. World Scientific, Hackensack (2012)
Hutchinson, K.; Vlasenko, M.: Lines crossing a tetrahedron and the Bloch group. In: Contributions to algebraic geometry, S. 297 - 303. Impanga Conference on Algebraic Geomatry, Będlewo, 04. Juli 2010 - 10. Juli 2010. EMS, Zürich (2012)
Joshua, R.: K-theory and G-theory of DG-stacks. In: Regulators, S. 175 - 217. Regulators III Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 12. Juli 2010 - 22. Juli 2010. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI. (2012)
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