Konferenzbeitrag (263)

Souto, J.; Kleineidam, G.: Ending laminations in the Masur domain. In: Kleinian groups and hyperbolic 3-manifolds, S. 105 - 129. Kleinian groups and hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Warwick, 11. September 2001 - 15. September 2001. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2003)
Zagier, D.: New points of view on the Selberg zeta function. In: Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar, S. 1 - 10. Explicit Structures of Modular Forms and Zeta Functions, Hakuba (Japan), 09. September 2001 - 15. September 2001. Ryushi-do, Osaka (2002)
Cortes, V.: A holomorphic representation formula for parabolic hyperspheres. In: Proc. of the International Conference on PDEs, Submanifolds and Affine Differential Geometry (Warsaw, 2000), 57, S. 11 - 16. PDEs, Submanifolds and Affine Differential Geometry, Warsaw, 2000. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (2002)
Donin, J.; Mudrov, A.: U/sub{q}(sl(n))-covariant quantization of symmetric coadjoint orbits via reflection equation algebra. In: Quantization, Poisson brackets and beyond, 315, S. 61 - 79. Quantization, Poisson brackets and beyond, Manchester (UK), 06. Juli 2001 - 13. Juli 2001. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (U.S.A.) (2002)
Donin, J.: Quantum G-manifolds. In: Quantization, Poisson brackets and beyond, 315, S. 47 - 60. Quantization, Poisson brackets and beyond, Manchester (UK), 06. Juli 2001 - 13. Juli 2001. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (U.S.A.) (2002)
Etingof, P.: On the dynamical Yang-Baxter equation. In: Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Beijing 2002), vol. II, S. 555 - 570. International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing (PR China), 20. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. Higher Education Press, Beijing (2002)
Kaufmann, R. M.: Orbifold Frobenius algebras, cobordisms and monodromies. In: Orbifolds in Mathematics and Physics, 310, S. 135 - 161. Orbifolds in Mathematics and Physics, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 04. März 2001 - 08. März 2001. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (2002)
Lee, Y.: Bounds and Q-Gorenstein smoothings of smoothable stable log surfaces. In: Symposium in Honor of C.H. Clemens, 312, S. 153 - 162. Symposium in Honor of C.H. Clemens, Salt Lake City, UT (U.S.A.), 10. März 2000 - 12. März 2000. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI (U.S.A.) (2002)
Leites, D.: Supersymmetry of the Sturm-Liouville and Korteveg-de Vries operators. In: Operator Methods in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, S. 267 - 285. S. Kovalevski Symposium, U. Stockholm, 2000-06. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel (2002)
Previato, E.: Reduction theory, elliptic solitons and integrable systems. In: The Kowalevski property, S. 247 - 270. Kowalevski Workshop on Mathematical Methods of Regular Dynamics, Leeds, 2000-04. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI (2002)
Ono, K.: Simple singularities and symplectic fillings. In: Integrable Systems, Topology, and Physics (Tokyo, 2000), 309, S. 195 - 197. Integrable Systems, Topology, and Physics, U. Tokyo, 17. Juli 2000 - 21. Juli 2000. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (2001)
Hirzebruch, F.: The Atiyah-Bott-Singer fixed point theorem and number theory. In: Differential geometry: papers dedicated to Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Singer, S. 313 - 326. Conference in honor of the four mathematicians who founded index theory, Harvard, 14. Mai 1999 - 16. Mai 1999. International Press, Cambridge/MA (2000)
Perelomov, A. M.: Quantum integrable systems and special functions I. In: Lie Theory and its Applications in Physics, S. 139 - 154. Lie Theory and its Applications in Physics, III, Clausthal, 11. Juli 1999 - 14. Juli 1999. World Scientific, River Edge, N.J., USA (2000)
Xicotencatl, M.: Orbit configuration spaces and the rational cohomology of F(RP/sup{n},k). Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology , Arolla, 25. August 1999 - 01. September 1999. Une dégustation topologique: homotopy theory in the Swiss Alps ; Proceedings of the Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology, August 25 - September 1, 1999, Arolla, Switzerland, S. 233 - 249 (2000)
Hirzebruch, F.: Complex cobordism and the elliptic genus. In: Algebraic geometry: Hirzebruch 70, S. 9 - 20. Algebraic Geometry Conference in Honor of F. Hirzebruch's 70th Birthday, Warszawa, 11. Mai 1998 - 16. Mai 1998. AMS, Providence, RI (1999)
Tanabé, S.: On geometry of fronts in wave propagations. In: Geometry and topology of caustics—CAUSTICS '98, S. 287 - 304. Symposium on Geometry and topology of caustics — CAUSTICS '98, Warsaw, 15. Juni 1998 - 27. Juni 1998. Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa (1999)
Zagier, D.: From quadratic functions to modular functions. In: Number theory in Progress. - Vol. 2: Elementary and analytic number theory, S. 1147 - 1178. International Conference on Number Theory, Zakopane [Poland], 30. Juni 1997 - 09. Juli 1997. de Gruyter, Berlin (1999)
Zagier, D.: Polylogarithms, Dedekind zeta functions, and the algebraic K-theory of fields. In: Arithmetic algebraic geometry, S. 391 - 430 (Hg. van der Geer, G.). Arithmetic algebraic geometry, Texel, 24. April 1989 - 30. April 1989. Birkhäuser, Boston, MA (1991)
Hirzebruch, F.: Singularities of algebraic surfaces and characteristic numbers. In: The Lefschetz Centennial Conference. Part 1, S. 141 - 155. The Lefschetz Centennial Conference, Mexico, 10. Dezember 1984 - 14. Dezember 1984. AMS, Providence, RI (1986)

Vortrag (1)

Manin, Y. I.: Kolmogorov complexity as a hidden factor of scientific discourse: from Newton's law to data mining. Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on "Complexity and Analogy in Science: Theoretical, Methodological and Epistemological Aspects", Casina Pio IV (2012)
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