Zeitschriftenartikel (3305)

Clemente-Moreno, M.; Omranian, N.; Sáez, P.; Figueroa, C.; Del-Saz, N.; Elso, M.; Poblete, L.; Orf, I.; Cuadros-Inostroza, A.; Cavieres, L.A. et al.; Bravo, L.; Fernie, A. R.; Ribas-Carbó, M.; Flexas, J.; Nikoloski, Z.; Brotman, Y.; Gago, J.: Low temperature tolerance of the Antarctic species Deschampsia antarctica: a complex metabolic response associated with nutrient remobilization. Plant, Cell and Environment 43 (6), S. 1376 - 1393 (2020)
Correa Galvis, V.; Strand, D.; Messer, M.; Thiele, W.; Bethmann, S.; Hübner, D.; Uflewski, M.; Kaiser, E.; Siemiatkowska, B.; Morris, B. A. et al.; Toth, S. Z.; Watanabe, M.; Brückner, F.; Hoefgen, R.; Jahns, P.; Schöttler, M. A.; Armbruster, U.: H+ transport by K+ EXCHANGE ANTIPORTER3 promotes photosynthesis and growth in chloroplast ATP synthase mutants. Plant Physiology 182, S. 2126 - 2142 (2020)
Correa, S. M.; Alseekh, S.; Atehortúa, L.; Brotman, Y.; Ríos-Estepa, R.; Fernie, A. R.; Nikoloski, Z.: Model-assisted identification of metabolic engineering strategies for Jatropha curcas lipid pathways. The Plant Journal (angenommen)
Correa, S. M.; Fernie, A. R.; Nikoloski, Z.; Brotman, Y.: Towards model-driven characterization and manipulation of plant lipid metabolism. Progress in Lipid Research 80, 101051 (2020)
Cotton, C. A. R.; Claassens, N. J.; Benito-Vaquerizo, S.; Bar-Even, A.: Renewable methanol and formate as microbial feedstocks. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 62, S. 168 - 180 (2020)
Cuadros-Inostroza, Á.; Verdugo-Alegría, C.; Willmitzer, L.; Moreno-Simunovic, Y.; Vallarino, J. G.: Non-Targeted Metabolite Profiles and Sensory Properties Elucidate Commonalities and Differences of Wines Made with the Same Variety but Different Cultivar Clones. Metabolites 10 (6), E220 (2020)
da Fonseca-Pereira, P.; Souza, P. V.L.; Hou, L.-Y.; Schwab, S.; Geigenberger, P.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Timm, S.; Fernie, A. R.; Thormählen, I.; Araújo, W. L. et al.; Daloso, D. M.: Thioredoxin h2 contributes to the redox regulation of mitochondrial photorespiratory metabolism. Plant, Cell and Environment 43 (1), S. 188 - 208 (2020)
de Almeida, C.P.; de Carvalho Paulino, J.F.; Carbonell, S.A.M.; Chiorato, A.F.; Song, Q.; Rainaldi, V.; Rodriguez, M.; Papa, R.; Benchimol-Reis, L.L.: Genetic diversity, population structure, and andean introgression in Brazilian common bean cultivars after half a century of genetic breeding. Genes 11 (11), 1298 (2020)
de Souza, L. P.; Garbowicz, K.; Brotman, Y.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A. R.: The acetate pathway supports flavonoid and lipid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 182 (2), S. 857 - 869 (2020)
de Souza, L. P.; Borghi, M.; Fernie, A. R.: Plant single‐cell metabolomics—challenges and perspectives. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (23), S. 1 - 17 (2020)
Devkar, V.; Thirumalaikumar, V. P.; Xue, G.-P.; Vallarino, J. G.; Turečková, V.; Strnad, M.; Fernie, A. R.; Hoefgen, R.; Mueller-Roeber, B.; Balazadeh, S.: Multifaceted regulatory function of tomato SlTAF1 in the response to salinity stress. New Phytologist 225 (4), S. 1681 - 1698 (2020)
Dietzen, C.; Koprivova , A.; Whitcomb, S. J.; Langen, G.; Jobe, T.O.; Hoefgen, R.; Kopriva, S.: The transcription factor EIL1 participates in the regulation of sulfur-deficiency response. Plant Physiology 184 (4), S. 2120 - 2136 (2020)
Diretto, G.; Frusciante, S.; Fabbri, C.; Schauer, N.; Busta, L.; Wang, Z.; Matas, A. J.; Fiore, A.; Rose, J. K.C.; Fernie, A. R. et al.; Jetter, R.; Mattei, B.; Giovannoni, J.; Giuliano, G.: Manipulation of β-carotene levels in tomato fruits results in increased ABA content and extended shelf-life. Plant Biotechnology Journal 18 (5), S. 1185 - 1199 (2020)
Durian, G.; Sedaghatmehr, M.; Matallana-Ramirez, L.P.; Schilling, S. M.; Schaepe, S.; Guerra, T.; Herde, M.; Witte, C.-P.; Mueller-Roeber, B.; Schulze, W. X. et al.; Balazadeh, S.; Romeis, T.: Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase CPK1 Controls Cell Death by In Vivo Phosphorylation of Senescence Master Regulator ORE1. The Plant Cell 32 (5), S. 1610 - 1625 (2020)
Dylag, M.; Leniak, E.; Gnat, S.; Szepietowski, J. C.; Kozubowski, L.: A case of anti-pityriasis versicolortherapy that preserves healthy mycobiome. BMC Dermatology 20 (1), 9 (2020)
Eng, R.C.; Sampathkumar, A.: Plant Biology: Bending of Plant Organs. Current Biology 30 (9), S. R402 - R405 (2020)
Ermakova, M.; Arrivault, S.; Giuliani, R.; Danila, F.; Alonso-Cantabrana, H.; Vlad, D.; Ishihara, H.; Feil, R.; Guenther, M.; Borghi, G.L. et al.; Covshoff, S.; Ludwig, M.; Cousins, A.B.; Langdale, J.A.; Kelly, S.; Lunn, J. E.; Stitt, M.; von Caemmerer, S.; Furbank, R.T.: Installation of C4 photosynthetic pathway enzymes in rice using a single construct. Plant Biotechnology Journal 19 (3), S. 575 - 588 (2020)
Estévez-Geffriaud, V.; Vicente, R.; Vergara-Díaz, O.; Narváez Reinaldo, J.J.; Trillas, M.I.: Application of Trichoderma asperellum T34 on maize (Zea mays) seeds protects against drought stress. Planta 252 (1), 8 (2020)
Fàbregas, N.; Yoshida, T.; Fernie, A. R.: Role of Raf-like kinases in SnRK2 activation and osmotic stress response in plants. Nature Communications 11, 6184 (2020)
Feitosa-Araujo, E.; Chaves, I. d. S.; Florian, A.; da Fonseca-Pereira, P.; Apfata, J. A. C.; Heyneke, E.; Medeiros, D.B.; Pires, M. V.; Mettler-Altmann, T.; Neuhaus, H. E. et al.; Palmieri, F.; Araújo, W. L.; Obata, T.; Weber, A. P. M.; Linka, N.; Fernie, A. R.; Nunes-Nesi, A.: Down-regulation of a Mitochondrial NAD+ Transporter (NDT2) Alters Seed Production and Germination in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 61 (5), S. 897 - 908 (2020)
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