Zeitschriftenartikel (3503)

Heilbron, M.; Armeni, K.; Schoffelen, J.-M.; Hagoort, P.; De Lange, F. P.: A hierarchy of linguistic predictions during natural language comprehension. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (32), e2201968119 (2022)
Hervais-Adelman, A.; Kumar, U.; Mishra, R.; Tripathi, V.; Guleria, A.; Singh, J. P.; Huettig, F.: How does literacy affect speech processing? Not by enhancing cortical responses to speech, but by promoting connectivity of acoustic-phonetic and graphomotor cortices. Journal of Neuroscience 42 (47), S. 8826 - 8841 (2022)
Holler, J.: Visual bodily signals as core devices for coordinating minds in interaction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1859), 20210094 (2022)
Holler, J.; Bavelas, J.; Woods, J.; Geiger, M.; Simons, L.: Given-new effects on the duration of gestures and of words in face-to-face dialogue. Discourse Processes 59 (8), S. 619 - 645 (2022)
Hoogman, M.; Van Rooij, D.; Klein, M.; Boedhoe, P.; Ilioska, I.; Li, T.; Patel, Y.; Postema, M.; Zhang-James, Y.; Anagnostou, E. et al.; Arango, C.; Auzias, G.; Banaschewski, T.; Bau, C. H. D.; Behrmann, M.; Bellgrove, M. A.; Brandeis, D.; Brem, S.; Busatto, G. F.; Calderoni, S.; Calvo, R.; Castellanos, F. X.; Coghill, D.; Conzelmann, A.; Daly, E.; Deruelle, C.; Dinstein, I.; Durston, S.; Ecker, C.; Ehrlich, S.; Epstein, J. N.; Fair, D. A.; Fitzgerald, J.; Freitag, C. M.; Frodl, T.; Gallagher, L.; Grevet, E. H.; Haavik, J.; Hoekstra, P. J.; Janssen, J.; Karkashadze, G.; King, J. A.; Konrad, K.; Kuntsi, J.; Lazaro, L.; Lerch, J. P.; Lesch, K.-P.; Louza, M. R.; Luna, B.; Mattos, P.; McGrath, J.; Muratori, F.; Murphy, C.; Nigg, J. T.; Oberwelland-Weiss, E.; O'Gorman Tuura, R. L.; O'Hearn, K.; Oosterlaan, J.; Parellada, M.; Pauli, P.; Plessen, K. J.; Ramos-Quiroga, J. A.; Reif, A.; Reneman, L.; Retico, A.; Rosa, P. G. P.; Rubia, K.; Shaw, P.; Silk, T. J.; Tamm, L.; Vilarroya, O.; Walitza, S.; Jahanshad, N.; Faraone, S. V.; Francks, C.; Van den Heuvel, O. A.; Paus, T.; Thompson, P. M.; Buitelaar, J. K.; Franke, B.: Consortium neuroscience of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder: The ENIGMA adventure. Human Brain Mapping 43 (1), S. 37 - 55 (2022)
Huettig, F.; Audring, J.; Jackendoff, R.: A parallel architecture perspective on pre-activation and prediction in language processing. Cognition 224, 105050 (2022)
Huizeling, E.; Arana, S.; Hagoort, P.; Schoffelen, J.-M.: Lexical frequency and sentence context influence the brain’s response to single words. Neurobiology of Language 3 (1), S. 149 - 179 (2022)
Huizeling, E.; Peeters, D.; Hagoort, P.: Prediction of upcoming speech under fluent and disfluent conditions: Eye tracking evidence from immersive virtual reality. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37 (4), S. 481 - 508 (2022)
Isbilen, E. S.; Frost, R. L. A.; Monaghan, P.; Christiansen, M. H.: Statistically based chunking of nonadjacent dependencies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (11), S. 2623 - 2640 (2022)
Janssens, S. E. W.; Sack, A. T.; Ten Oever, S.; Graaf, T. A.: Calibrating rhythmic stimulation parameters to individual electroencephalography markers: The consistency of individual alpha frequency in practical lab settings. European Journal of Neuroscience 55 (11/12), S. 3418 - 3437 (2022)
Janssens, S. E.W.; Ten Oever, S.; Sack, A. T.; de Graaf, T. A.: “Broadband Alpha Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation”: Exploring a new biologically calibrated brain stimulation protocol. NeuroImage 253, 119109 (2022)
Jessop, A.; Chang, F.: Thematic role tracking difficulties across multiple visual events influences role use in language production. Visual Cognition 30 (3), S. 151 - 173 (2022)
Karaminis, T.; Hintz, F.; Scharenborg, O.: The presence of background noise extends the competitor space in native and non-native spoken-word recognition: Insights from computational modeling. Cognitive Science 46 (2), e13110 (2022)
Kemmerer, S. K.; De Graaf, T. A.; Ten Oever, S.; Erkens, M.; De Weerd, P.; Sack, A. T.: Parietal but not temporoparietal alpha-tACS modulates endogenous visuospatial attention. Cortex 154, S. 149 - 166 (2022)
Kemmerer, S. K.; Sack, A. T.; de Graaf, T. A.; Ten Oever, S.; De Weerd, P.; Schuhmann, T.: Frequency-specific transcranial neuromodulation of alpha power alters visuospatial attention performance. Brain Research 1782, 147834 (2022)
Kidd, E.; Garcia, R.: How diverse is child language acquisition research? First Language 42 (6), S. 703 - 735 (2022)
Kidd, E.; Garcia, R.: Where to from here? Increasing language coverage while building a more diverse discipline. First Language 42 (6), S. 837 - 851 (2022)
Kirk, E.; Donnelly, S.; Furman, R.; Warmington, M.; Glanville, J.; Eggleston, A.: The relationship between infant pointing and language development: A meta-analytic review. Developmental Review 64, 101023 (2022)
Kong, X.; ENIGMA Laterality Working Group; Francks, C.: Reproducibility in the absence of selective reporting: An illustration from large‐scale brain asymmetry research. Human Brain Mapping 43 (1), S. 244 - 254 (2022)
Kong, X.; Postema, M.; Guadalupe, T.; De Kovel, C. G. F.; Boedhoe, P. S. W.; Hoogman, M.; Mathias, S. R.; Van Rooij, D.; Schijven, D.; Glahn, D. C. et al.; Medland, S. E.; Jahanshad, N.; Thomopoulos, S. I.; Turner, J. A.; Buitelaar, J.; Van Erp, T. G. M.; Franke, B.; Fisher, S. E.; Van den Heuvel, O. A.; Schmaal, L.; Thompson, P. M.; Francks, C.: Mapping brain asymmetry in health and disease through the ENIGMA consortium. Human Brain Mapping 43 (1), S. 167 - 181 (2022)
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