Konferenzbeitrag (938)

Özkan, B. K.; Majumdar, R.; Oraee, S.: Trace Aware Random Testing for Distributed Systems. ACM OOPSLA Conference, Athens, Greece, 20. Oktober 2019 - 25. Oktober 2019. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3, OOPSLA, 180, (2019)
Patrignani, M.; Garg, D.: Robustly Safe Compilation. In: Programming Languages and Systems, S. 469 - 498 (Hg. Caires, L.). 28th European Symposium on Programming, Prague, Czech Republic, 06. April 2019 - 11. April 2019. Springer, Cham (2019)
Pirron, M.; Zufferey, D.: MPERL: Hardware and Software Co-design for Robotic Manipulators. In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, S. 7784 - 7790. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Macau, China, 04. November 2019 - 08. November 2019. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2019)
Podkopaev, A.; Lahav, O.; Vafeiadis, V.: Bridging the Gap Between Programming Languages and Hardware Weak Memory Models. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Cascais, Portugal, 13. Januar 2019 - 19. Januar 2019. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3, POPL, 69, (2019)
Qu, W.; Gaboardi, M.; Garg, D.: Relational Cost Analysis for Functional-Imperative Programs. 24th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, Berlin, Germany, 19. August 2019 - 21. August 2019. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3, ICFP, 92, (2019)
Raad, A.; Doko, M.; Rozic,, L.; Lahav, O.; Vafeiadis, V.: On Library Correctness Under Weak Memory Consistency: Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Libraries under Declarative Consistency Models. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Cascais, Portugal, 13. Januar 2019 - 19. Januar 2019. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3, POPL, 68, (2019)
Raad, A.; Lahav, O.; Vafeiadis, V.: On the Semantics of Snapshot Isolation. In: Verification, Model Checking,and Abstract Interpretation, S. 1 - 23 (Hg. Enea, C.; Piskac, R.). 20th International Con-ference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, Cascais, Portugal, 13. Januar 2019 - 15. Januar 2019. Springer, Berlin (2019)
Raad, A.; Wickerson, J.; Vafeiadis, V.: Weak Persistency Semantics from the Ground up: Formalising the Persistency Semantics of ARMv8 and Transactional Models. ACM OOPSLA Conference, Athens, Greece, 20. Oktober 2019 - 25. Oktober 2019. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3, OOPSLA, 135, (2019)
Radanovic, G.; Devidze, R.; Parkes, D.; Singla, A.: Learning to Collaborate in Markov Decision Processes. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, S. 5261 - 5270 (Hg. Chaudhuri, K.; Salakhutdinov, R.). 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, Long Beach, CA, USA, 09. Juni 2019 - 15. Juni 2019. (2019)
Rastegarpanah, B.; Gummadi, K.; Crovella, M.: Fighting Fire with Fire: Using Antidote Data to Improve Polarization and Fairness of Recommender Systems. In: WSDM '19, S. 231 - 239. 12h ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Melbourne, Australia, 11. Februar 2019 - 15. Februar 2019. ACM, New York, NY (2019)
Resende, G.; Melo, P.; Sousa, H.; Messias, J.; Vasconcelos, M.; Almeida, J.; Benevenuto, F.: (Mis)Information Dissemination in WhatsApp: Gathering, Analyzing and Countermeasures. In: Proceedings of The World Wide Web Conference, S. 818 - 828 (Hg. McAuley, J.). The Web Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 13. Mai 2019 - 17. Mai 2019. ACM, New York, NY (2019)
Ribeiro, F. N.; Saha, K.; Babaei, M.; Henrique, L.; Messias, J.; Benevenuto, F.; Goga, O.; Gummadi, K.; Redmiles, E. M.: On Microtargeting Socially Divisive Ads: A Case Study of Russia-Linked Ad Campaigns on Facebook. In: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, S. 140 - 149. Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Atlanta, GA, USA, 29. Januar 2019 - 31. Januar 2019. ACM, New York, NY (2019)
Rolland, P.; Kavis, A.; Immer, A.; Singla, A.; Cevher, V.: Efficient Learning of Smooth Probability Functions from Bernoulli Tests with Guarantees. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, S. 5459 - 5467 (Hg. Chaudhuri, K.; Salakhutdinov, R.). 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, Long Beach, CA, USA, 09. Juni 2019 - 15. Juni 2019. (2019)
Samanta, B.; De, A.; Jana, G.; Chattaraj, P. K.; Ganguly, N.; Gomez Rodriguez, M.: NeVAE: A Deep Generative Model for Molecular Graphs. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, S. 1110 - 1117. Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Honolulu, HI, USA, 27. Januar 2019 - 01. Februar 2019. AAAI Press, Palo Alto, CA (2019)
Sato, T.; Aguirre, A.; Barthe, G.; Gaboardi, M.; Garg, D.; Hsu, J.: Formal Verification of Higher-order Probabilistic Programs: Reasoning about Approximation, Convergence, Bayesian Inference, and Optimization. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Cascais, Portugal, 13. Januar 2019 - 19. Januar 2019. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3, POPL, 38, (2019)
Saxena, N. A.; Huang, K.; DeFilippis, E.; Radanovic, G.; Parkes, D. C.; Liu, Y.: How Do Fairness Definitions Fare?: Examining Public Attitudes Towards Algorithmic Definitions of Fairness. In: AIES'19, S. 99 - 106. AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, Honolulu, HI, USA, 27. Januar 2019 - 28. Januar 2019. ACM, New York, NY (2019)
Schmitz, S.; Zetzsche, G.: Coverability Is Undecidable in One-Dimensional Pushdown Vector Addition Systems with Resets. In: Reachability Problems, S. 193 - 201 (Hg. Filiot, E.; Jungers, R.; Potapov, I.). 13th International Conference on Reachability Problems, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 11. September 2019 - 13. September 2019. Springer, Berlin (2019)
Sühr, T.; Biega, A. J.; Zehlike, M.; Gummadi, K.; Chakraborty, A.: Two-Sided Fairness for Repeated Matchings in Two-Sided Markets: A Case Study of a Ride-Hailing Platform. In: KDD'19, S. 3082 - 3092. 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Anchorage, AK, USA, 04. August 2019 - 08. August 2019. ACM, New York, NY (2019)
Thinniyam, R. S.; Zetzsche, G.: Regular Separability and Intersection Emptiness Are Independent Problems. In: 39th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 51 (Hg. Chattopadhyay, A.; Gastin, P.). 39th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Bombay, India, 11. Dezember 2019 - 13. Dezember 2019. Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern (2019)
Tsai, L.; De Viti, R.; Lentz, M.; Saroiu, S.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Druschel, P.: enClosure: Group Communication via Encounter Closures. In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, S. 353 - 365. 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, Seoul, South Korea, 17. Juni 2019 - 21. Juni 2019. ACM, New York, NY (2019)
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