Buchkapitel (155)

Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Bucanetes githagineus Trumpeter Finch. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 834 - 834 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Bucanetes mongolicus Mongolian Finch. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 835 - 835 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Carpospiza brachydactyla Pale Sparrow. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 796 - 796 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Emberiza buchanani Grey-necked Bunting. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 868 - 868 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Francolinus francolinus Black Francolin. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 79 - 79 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Hippolais languida Upcher's Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 610 - 610 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Irania gutturalis White-throated Robin. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 736 - 736 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Larus armenicus Armenian Gull. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 372 - 372 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Melanocorypha bimaculata Bimaculated Lark. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 594 - 594 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Oenanthe chrysopygia Red-tailed Wheatear. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 753 - 753 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Phylloscopus nitidus Green Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 658 - 658 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Phylloscopus sindianus Mountain Chiffchaff. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 658 - 658 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Prunella ocularis Radde's Accentor. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 777 - 777 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Serinus pusillus Red-fronted Serin. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 833 - 833 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Sitta neumayer Western Rock Nuthatch. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 691 - 691 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Sitta tephronota Eastern Rock Nuthatch. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 694 - 694 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Sylvia mystacea Menetries's Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 677 - 677 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: Vanellus leucurus White-tailed Lapwing. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 305 - 305 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Aghababyan, K.; Malovichko, L.V.; Bauer, H.-G.: Pastor roseus Rosy Starling. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 707 - 707 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Accipiter badius Shikra. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 466 - 466 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
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