Buchkapitel (155)

Bauer, H.-G.: Acridotheres tristis Common Myna. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 708 - 708 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed-Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 626 - 627 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Acrocephalus palustris Marsh Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 622 - 623 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Aix sponsa Wood Duck. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 142 - 142 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Amandava amandava Red Avadavat. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 782 - 782 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Anser indicus Bar-headed Goose. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 119 - 119 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Aquila adalberti Spanish Imperial Eagle. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 454 - 454 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Argya altirostris Iraq Babbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 690 - 690 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Charadrius leschenaultii Greater Sandplover. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 302 - 302 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Colinus virginianus Northern Bobwhite. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 97 - 97 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Emberiza caesia Cretzschmar's Bunting. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 869 - 869 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Emberiza cineracea Cinereous Bunting. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 868 - 868 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Euplectes afer Yellow-crowned Bishop. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 780 - 780 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Falco biarmicus Lanner Falcon. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 524 - 524 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Falco cherrug Saker Falcon. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 525 - 525 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Hippolais olivetorum Olive-tree Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 611 - 611 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Iduna opaca Isabelline Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 609 - 609 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Iduna rama Sykes's Warbler. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 607 - 607 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Lonchura punctulata Scaly-breasted Munia. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 783 - 783 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
Bauer, H.-G.: Oenanthe finschii Finsch's Wheatear. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change, S. 763 - 763 (Hg. Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Voříšek, P.; Franch, M.; Kipson, M. et al.). European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2020)
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