PhD Position (m/f/d) | Collective Dynamics of Living Neuronal Networks

Young Researchers Göttingen
Neurosciences Complex Systems

Job Code: MPIDS-W080

Job Offer from July 15, 2024

For the Max Planck Research Group of Viola Priesemann in close collaboration with the group of Andreas Neef at the CIDBN, we seek to fill one position for a PhD (m/f/d) on Collective Dynamics of Living Neuronal Networks.

In this project, we use a novel stimulation approach for living neural networks. It exploitsself-organization within the network, with the aim to (a) greatly improve the information processing capacities of the network, and (b) develop an assay that can be used for clinical in vitro studies. In the research field of population dynamics of living neuronal networks, optogenetics and high-density electrode arrays allow us to manipulate and observe neurons on unprecedented scales, recording and stimulating thousands of neurons for hours, days and weeks. We use this to understand how cellular properties, plasticty and connectivity interact to drive population activity, input encoding and learning. The position has ample freedom to develop creative, complementary approaches, guided by experimental results and theory. For this work, close collaboration with our colleagues from neurophysics, in-vivo electrophysiology and organoid research is possible and encouraged. If you are interested in plasticity and learning in neuronal networks, please apply!

Your profile

We are looking for creative, enthusiastic, and motivated researchers to join our team. The position requires a strong interest in either experimental biophysics or cellular biology. For the position, you should hold a Master’s in quantitative sciences or life sciences, e.g., physics, engineering, biochemistry, biology or related fields. A background in complex systems, biophysics or cell biology is a plus, but not required. While the team is mainly rooted in statistical physics and biophysics, we welcome applications of candidates with other backgrounds. The group communicates in English; thus, fluency in both written and spoken English is required. German language skills are not required.

For us, the central input from our members is their creativity and enthusiasm, and their genuine interest in tackling their research question. Embedded in our interdisciplinary team, we work together at carving out how to tackle your question and work jointly towards its solution. We warmly welcome applications from people of any background, and together with everyone, female candidates are encouraged to apply! We offer opportunities to follow additional university courses and participate in teaching, supervise students, and build your profile.

Applications are accepted until September 30, 2024, or until the positions are filled. A first, optional evaluation will be done on August 15. By sending your application you consent with sharing your application details with the selection team.

Your application

Please send your application to: and to with the subject line containing "PhD Application living neuronal networks". The application should contain a single pdf with a motivation letter, CV, transcript of records, and contacts of up to three referees.

The group is part of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, the University of Göttingen, and the Cluster of Excellence Multiscale Bioimaging. The Max Planck Institute focuses on complex systems, statistical physics, and active matter, with both experimental and theoretical approaches, and employs about 300 people. It is embedded in a university town with 28.000 students across all disciplines. The Göttingen Campus has its overarching research foci in living networks, sustainability, and dynamics of change, and includes four Max-Planck-Institutes, the German Primate Center, the Campus Institute for Data Science, and the Campus Institute for Dynamics of Biological Networks.

Our offer                                             

We are offering excellent working conditions in a highly international and interdisciplinary research environment. We provide fertile grounds and guidance to follow your research interest and curiosity.

The PhD position is initially limited to three years, with the possibility of extension. The salary and working hours are in accordance with the funding guidelines of the Max Planck Society for junior scientists. The salary is 2/3 of E13 TVÖD-Bund. Furthermore, we offer work-life balance programs and health promotion services. In close collaboration with the Georg-August-University, a structured PhD program is offered in the graduate program of the Physics Department, or the graduate program on Physics of Biological and Complex Systems. The starting date is flexible.

The Max-Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Should you have any questions, please visit our website and please contact

Dr. Andreas Neef
Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann


Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann
Am Faßberg 17
37077 Göttingen

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