Forschungspapier (257)

Rauthe-Schöch, A.; Baker, A. K.; Schuck, T. J.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Zahn, A.; Hermann, M.; Stratmann, G.; Ziereis, H.; Velthoven, P. F. J. v.; Lelieveld, J.: Trapping, chemistry and export of trace gases in the South Asian summer monsoon observed during CARIBIC flights in 2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 S. 6967 - 7018 (2015), 51 S.
Schmidt, S.; Schneider, J.; Klimach, T.; Mertes, S.; Schenk, L. P.; Curtius, J.; Kupiszewski, P.; Hammer, E.; Vochezer, P.; Lloyd, G. et al.: In-situ single submicron particle composition analysis of ice residuals from mountain-top mixed-phase clouds in Central Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 S. 4677 - 4724 (2015), 47 S.
Alves, E. G.; Jardine, K.; Tota, J.; Yanez-Serrano, A. M.; Karl, T.; Tavares, J.; Nelson, B.; Gu, D.; Stavrakou, T.; Martin, S. et al.: Seasonality of isoprenoid emissions from a primary rainforest in central Amazonia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 S. 28867 - 28913 (2015), 46 S.
Andreae, M. O.; Acevedo, O. C.; Araùjo, A.; Artaxo, P.; Barbosa, C. G. G.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Brito, J.; Carbone, S.; Chi, X.; Cintra, B. B. L. et al.: The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO): overview of first results from ecosystem ecology, meteorology, trace gas, and aerosol measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15 S. 11559 - 11726 (2015), 167 S.

Bericht (1)

Repschläger, J.; Auderset, A.; Blanz, T.; Bremer, K.; Böttner, C.; Eich, C.; Kausch, T.; Keigwin, L. D.; Keul, N.; Kiefer, J. et al.: North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Azores Front (NASGAF), Cruise No. MSM58/1, September 10, 2016 - October 7, 2016, Reykjavik (Iceland) - Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal) (MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, MSM58/1). (2018)

Heft (2)

Goldammer, J. G. (Hg.): Fire management at an ecoregional level. International experience and new approaches in forest sector reforms. World Bank and Program on Forests (PROFOR) (Sonderheft). Unece/FAO International Forest Fire News, Special Issue no. 32 (2006), 131 S.
Schidlowski, M.; Engel, M. H.; Macko, S. A. (Hg.): From Sediments to Meteorites: A special issue in Memory of Bartholomew Nagy (Sonderheft). Precambrian Research 106, (1-2) (2001), 186 S.

Sonstige (15)

Minkov, V. S.; Talantsev, E. F.; Ksenofontov, V.; Bud'ko, S. L.; Balkirev, F. F.; Eremets, M. I.: Dataset supporting the manuscript "Magnetic field screening in hydrogen-rich high-temperature superconductors", (2024)
Martin, A.; Gayler , V.; Steil, B.; Klingmüller, K.; Jöckel, P.; Tost, H.; Lelieveld, J.; Pozzer, A.: Supplement of Evaluation of the coupling of EMACv2.55 to the land surface and vegetation model JSBACHv4, Geoscientific Model Development 17, (2024)
Ma, C.; Su, H.; Lelieveld, J.; Randel , W.; Yu , P.; Andreae, M.; Cheng, Y.: Supplementary Materials for Smoke-charged vortex doubles hemispheric aerosol in the middle stratosphere and buffers ozone depletion, Science Advances 10, (2024)
Martinez-Garcia, A.; Sigman, D. M.; Fawcett, S. E.; Auderset, A.; Haug, G. H.; Campbell, E.; Smart, S. M.; Fawcett, S.; Granger, R.; Marshall, T. et al.: Southeast Atlantic nitrate isotope data from winter 2017 [Dataset], (2023)
Siebert , V.; Moriceau , B.; Fröhlich , L.; Schöne , B. R.; Erwan, A.; Beker, B.; Kevin, B.; Bihannic, I.; Delebecq, G.; Devesa, J. et al.: HIPPO environmental monitoring: Impact of phytoplankton dynamics on water column chemistry and the sclerochronology of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) as a biogenic archive for past primary production reconstructions [Dataset], (2023)
Farmer, J. R.; Pico, T.; Underwood, O. M.; Cleveland-Stout, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Granger, J.; Fripiat, F.; Cronin, T. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.: Arctic Ocean 50 ka foram-bound nitrogen isotope data, core age models, and Bering Strait sea level simulations [Dataset], Pangaea, (2023)
Farmer, J. R.; Pico, T.; Underwood, O. M.; Cleveland-Stout, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Granger, J.; Fripiat, F.; Cronin, T. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.: Bering Strait sea level simulations [Dataset], Pangaea, (2023)
Farmer, J. R.; Pico, T.; Underwood, O. M.; Cleveland-Stout, R.; Sigman, D. M.; Granger, J.; Fripiat, F.; Cronin, T. M.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Haug, G. H.: Foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotope ratios of sediment from the Arctic Ocean [Dataset], Pangaea, (2023)
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Exner, M.; Walger, P.; Tatzel, J.; Hübner, N.; Pöschl, U.; Knobloch, J. K.; Herr, C.; Popp, W.: Stellungnahme der DGKH zu Lüftungskonzepten in Schulen als Teil eines Bündelkonzeptes unter Berücksichtigung von Wirksamkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Kosten. Stellungnahme der DGKH – Version vom 02. August 2022, (2022)
Bathke, A. C.; Berghold , A.; Bergthaler , A.; Czypionka , T.; Elling, U.; Foitik , G.; Forgó , N.; Gansterer , M.; Gottlob, A.; Hopfe, C. et al.: Covid-19: Szenarien für Herbst/Winter 2022 – und darüber hinaus. Version 2.0 (Letzte Überarbeitung: 27. Juni 2022), (2022)
Sosso , G. C.; Backus , E.; Sudera, P.; Backes, A. T.; Michaelides , A.; Whale, T. F.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Bonn , M.: Data for The role of structural order in heterogeneous ice nucleation [Dataset], (2022)